The binding potential of the Darkness has transformed you into a cosmic entity of immense power. So great is your mastery of the Darkness that you may now command it on a truly universal scale—reaching across the vast distances of space with ease in order to influence the fate of entire races. It would not be an exaggeration to call you a god, for even godlike entities would struggle to defeat you in a confrontation.
Physically, you appear as the amalgamation of countless individual entities, with each movement you make being shadowed by illusory copies of yourself. Your mind is similarly inhuman, and yet fundamentally you still comprehend the individual suffering of all things. You know pain. Your purpose is its end. Where others might break when confronted with suffering or anguish, your resolve is only strengthened by it.
The Darkness derives its strength from purpose and meaning. Your purpose is clear: the Final Shape. But only you can determine what this truly means, for there are as many interpretations of this goal as there are those who pursue it.