Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Destiny Upgrades/Worm God (Destiny)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Worm God (Destiny)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Worm Larva (Destiny)

Required: Anthem Anatheme (Destiny)

Required: Sword Logic (Destiny)

Whether you are a sibling to the five spawn of Xita or the descendent of some other great worm from Fundament’s deep seas, you are now a Worm God. Your body takes the form of an immense chitinous worm strong enough to crush houses and sweep away armies. In your flesh grows an endless supply of larval worms which you may offer to others in the form of a bargain. By taking these larvae into themselves, your subjects will become dependent on you—tithing a portion of the destruction they cause as power to you in exchange for immortality, the ability to shape their own flesh, and the power to call upon the Darkness through their pact with you.

As a Worm God, your affinity for the Darkness grants you complete mastery over every aspect of Hive sorcery. Through the Sword Logic, you may continue to grow limitlessly—fed through the Anthem Anatheme by the endless death-tithe provided by your subjects. Though it may take eons, you will eventually reach such size and power that you could swallow entire nations.