Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Armory

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Blacksmith of Potential

Your workshop has an empty armory attached to it. This armory will be filled with a phantasmal copy of every creation you make, each copy has the full powers of every creation you make. These phantasmal copies shared a connection to the real thing, allowing for the copies to grow in power or strength if the originals do. Each phantasmal copy will regenerate upon destruction, if they happen to break. It is not just finished works that end up in your armory, even prototypes and failures will have a place in your armory. You will eventually put Gilgamesh’s Gate of Babylon to shame with time. You are able to give a phantasmal copy to another being, allowing them to call upon a sliver of the original creation’s power. If the recipient happens to hold both the copy and the original, they can merge into an even greater object, allowing for even faster growth.

Eternal Possibilities

No longer is your armory restricted by your own personal creations, now you will find that creations that you had the possibility to make will find their way into your armory. If you had made an iconic sword that was entirely based around lighting, you might find a variation based around fire, water, or earth. These possibilities will give you insights into things you have not yet learned as well, as these creations made out of possibility are not bound by your current knowledge.

Everlasting Arsenal

You will find that your warehouse now allows you to duplicate existing creations, instead of requiring research to reduce the resupply time, these duplicates instead resupply faster depending on the original creation’s strength. As you grow in your craft of war, these armaments will grow alongside you. Becoming stronger, swifter, sharper, and more resilient. Eventually even providing exotic effects such as physical enhancement, force multiplication or deflection, elemental effects, etc.

Ethereal Manifestation

The phantasmal copies that make up your armory will begin to crystallize into direct duplicates over time. As the copies become more and more real, you will find that they gain incredible boosts in all areas. These copies made real are able to be summoned into the real world for a permanent amount of time. The more the original and the copy are used, the faster they will crystallize into the real deal.

Mythic Convergence

Your armory begins to fill itself up with items of great importance from across the multiverse, none of these items will ever be able to harm you in any capacity. This process is not entirely controllable, although you can direct it towards a certain ‘type’ of item, be it melee, ranged, consumable, or even armor. As your armory fills up more and more, you will have more control over this direction, moving on to more specific types of items, such as swords, necklaces, rings, potions, arrows, and you will be able to choose items directly.