Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Artifact Extraordinaire

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Artifact Extraordinaire

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sorcerer Apprentice

You are able to craft magical items akin to Excalibur and Avalon. Every material you use for Enchantment and Alchemy can be enhanced to its best natural quality, rusty scraps turn to fresh, perfectly forged metals, and burnt-out unhealthy plants shift into well-cared-for alchemic ingredients through the infusion of Mana. You are able to create items that will grow as they are used, armor that becomes more resistant as it withstands more. Magical Foci are perfectly fit for their wielder and can be made with ease.


Your enchantments are always better than you plan for, as magic itself will ensure you always receive its aid. This could be something as simple as shoring up the weaknesses in your enchantment, or something as major as cementing an item's legacy, allowing it to be soul bound to a lineage it was designed for. Your artifacts will even be able to grow a limited form of awareness due if you so wish.


You are able to retract enchantments from your magical artifacts, storing them inside your body, allowing you to apply them to another item at any time. These stored enchantments will gain more and more power the longer they are stored. With enough practice, you will be able to gift these enchantments to other people through some marking, be it a tattoo, crest, or what have you.


You may go beyond the creation of simple golems, shaping magic into people underneath your hands. You may plant a magic seed inside of an artifact that will grow into an ego, when applied correctly you are able to give life to a new person with enough time and care. You may use a magic seed to make a Magical Focus the world has never seen before, the magic seed can instead bind to the next person that picks up the artifact, or be a person of your choice.


You are able to meditate on an enchantment you wish to design and will find some form of insight if you ponder it long enough. Artifacts created by you can eventually begin to grow to best fit their wielder, and these growths will become the new baseline when an artifact is passed onto its next wielder. You can replicate artifacts on sight with enough practice.