Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Beloved by Magic

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Beloved by Magic

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sorcerer Apprentice

There are dozens of ways this is described throughout different magical cultures but they all boil down to the same thing, being loved by magic itself. You have instinctual perfect control over all your magic, requiring barely a flicker of thought to gather your Mana. Spells you cast have no charge-up time and come into effect nearly instantaneously. This has also allowed you to remove all impurities from your mana causing magical creatures and sensitive mages to adore your presence and grow stronger from it, as it shows them what it means to be loved by Magic itself.


Your spells and Mana remain under your control, unable to be influenced by outside sources. This results in your spells becoming eternal, unaffected by the passage of time. You have the ability to convert one form of magical energy into another with perfect efficiency as they all pale in comparison to pure Mana. There are many ways to use Magic, and for you, insofar as casting methods are concerned, there are no hard limits. Your entire body is your greatest magical focus allowing you to cast spells in ways their Magic Systems might not normally allow. Some examples are silent casting verbal magic and wandless casting wand magic.


You are able to ignite a Mana seed in an individual, allowing them to eventually grow into a sorcerer of the same type as you. People you awaken can gain a spirit version of you, whether they receive this spirit version of you is dependent on your will. This spirit will simply be another portion of your mind that you are able to access at any time. You will receive a copy of every single spell your students use and create. You are able to give a student direction experience using a spell you wish to teach.

Stable Care

You have removed all inefficiencies and waste from your magic as well as improved their stability. Such is your mastery of magic that spells you cast no longer interfere with each other unless that is your intention. Casting a fireball that is covered by ice can be done with ease, unleashing the fire inside upon impact. You may make dastardly creations like Frostfire or Fiendfyre with ease. When you speak, Magic listens, even without the direct intent of casting magic you will find that on occasion an opponent's spell will misfire, or be slightly off course when they had you dead to rights. Maybe your healer's spell is much more effective than it should have been when they went to heal you.


You create spells with ease as if there was never any concern for failure. The more you use a spell, the stronger it gets, this is because your spells accrue damage multipliers for enemies defeated or an increase in efficiency for an incredible feat. Killing a dragon with a basic magic missile could have your magic missiles become increasingly effective against all further dragons you face off against. Defending a city with a barrier spell with having that barrier spell could have your barriers begin to protect your charges against more than physical or magical damage, possibly protecting them from things like heartbreak. These extra modifiers are entirely optional and only apply when you wish them to.