Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Clairvoyance

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Nascent Mind

Your psychic powers are no longer limited to your general surroundings, you can reach them further than before. From where you are all the way to the edge of the universe, there are no limits to how far your psychic powers can perceive. What you can see is what you can affect, and there is effectively no limit to how far you can see. The only thing you will not be able to see is the Multiverse and beyond. You possess infinite multitasking that could easily handle the tracking of trillions of different people.

Parallel Worlds

Your power can interact with the many worlds and universes that make up the greater whole. You can view alternate dimensions and universes, and even exert your powers from a different universe altogether.

The Past Worlds

You can mentally recreate the past so accurately that you could simulate entire universes. This not only allows you to recreate events, but if you practiced Telepathy, you could even read their minds.

Nameless One

Those who think about you, even vaguely, lights up in your metaphysical psychic senses like fireflies. You’ll be able to sense the conversation or thought, their opinions, and their minds, and you could even influence their thoughts from wherever they are. You can choose to ignore them as well and log them in your infinite memory to recall later should you choose. You can’t be distracted from these.

Astral Projection

You can astral project an image of yourself anywhere that can interact with the real world. You're no longer limited to your mortal body and can survive without a physical vessel. Your existence lives wherever you wish. You are truly Omnipresent within your infinite range. There are no differences between your real body and an Astral Projection, but no matter how many bodies you have they are all controlled by one mind. You're immune to even complete erasure.