Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Darwinism

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Prototype

Your power is capable of plotting and creating evolution on a grander scale. Not only do you adapt to attacks in just one hit, but there’s no limit to how far or wide your evolution can get. Nothing is impossible for you to evolve towards, as life finds a way.

When it comes down to evolving and overcoming stagnation, you are able to create the perfect evolutions to suit any challenge you come across. Your mind can come up with ideas that can suit any challenge you think of. Your body is a blank canvas waiting for you to be filled, and improvements are always there, waiting to be made.

The Art of Excess

Your body can grow more than immune; it can fuel itself with the myriad wonders of reality. You can use anything you're immune to as a fuel source to evolve. Instead of being hurt, you are empowered by what once harmed you. Allowing you to evolve faster and stronger by absorbing whatever you are immune to.

Cognito Hazard

Information about yourself is impossible. Your evolution of the soul protects it so that any form of power, sight, interaction, theft, replication, or soul reading. Anything that tries to properly gauge you in any way will at the least be hindered from working properly against you. Meaning even judgment of things like sins doesn't work on you. No matter what, your powers cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, reproduced, or otherwise influenced by anything aside from yourself.


There are no limits to your understanding of the material world. Your perfect understanding of all kinds of matter allows you to break down and predict any kind of technology to incorporate it into yourself without limits. It doesn't matter what it is. You can utilize your perfect understanding and Biokinesis to incorporate it into your own body. Stealing any advancements for your own use.


Your evolution is completely independent of yourself and only you. There are no others, not in the past or the future. There is simply only you in the present, your evolution pushing you ever forward, evolving to where nothing can be known, nothing is fixed, and everything is on you. As you are completely unique and separate from everything, you cannot step back. Your evolutions will always go forward, and nothing can try to freeze or regress you. You can walk through chaotic temporal distortions and come out completely fine and on time. As your past only exists in the now, you cannot be removed from existence because your past self was killed.

Waste Not

The redundancies you developed from evolving can wildly evolve in separate directions. With infinite fuel, you can evolve not only your main line of defenses but hundreds of backups as well. With endless backups and redundancies, you'll have an evolution ready whenever you encounter something new.