Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Great Sage

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Great Sage

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Jade Disciple

Your Meridians are unlocked and you are now a somewhat respectable cultivator in your chosen system. You are capable of using Qi and possess a potent reserve. You have just left the Mortal Realm and are well on your way to become an Immortal Cultivator. While mere mortals will have extreme difficulty wounding you, some Parahumans can bridge the gap somewhat, but in truth, only Endbringers can truly match you, and even then it will not be easy for them to defeat you. You have knowledge of a vast array of Qi techniques in many fields, and a deep knowledge of martial arts.

An ancient spirit of knowledge has fused with your soul, this spirit is aware of all the core knowledge of cultivation in your system and beyond, meaning that you would not lack knowledge in anything related to cultivation. You can commune with this spirit to access their knowledge and learn new techniques or acquire knowledge of how to advance your path, and given enough time, even how to create your own system.

Given your level of talent, you cultivate much faster than the normal cultivators. It can take you as little as half the time to advance your realm compared to normal cultivators in your chosen system, and with regular practice and study, you could reduce this time even more.

Xianxia Protagonist

As a protagonist, just about everything will be easier on you. You will benefit more from training, becoming much more potent and advanced than other students. You have a knack for finding long-lost items of great power and mentors of awe-inspiring might that can let you grow more powerful much more quickly. Techniques and training methods that might as well be cheating will practically fall into your lap. Your enemies will have a hell of a time trying to put you down, any victories they have will be Pyrrhic, and as long as your defeat wasn't far too crushing you can bounce back at least somewhat stronger than before. You will never be permanently killed by anything so mundane and pathetic as a mere fall down the stairs or choking on your food. Your plot armor is ridiculous, letting you get away scot-free with stuff that would maim or ruin others. You will always find some way to defeat your enemy and will always find a means of gaining more power, skill, and influence so long as there is someone or something out there that can challenge you. If you are not already, you will even find or get a way to not die of old age, and your life will be easier on you in all ways.

The Dark Crow (Emperor's Domination)

No one can contest the immense reservoir of knowledge that Li Qiye possesses; his wealth of wisdom is beyond adequate description. Attempting to grasp the magnitude of this is a challenge in itself. Across the expanse of the ten worlds, there exists scarcely a subject or facet he is not intimately acquainted with, from merit laws and techniques to grand daos, ancient history, the locations of invaluable artifacts, and much more. He commands an encyclopedic mastery of the entire epoch's contents, and it's quite conceivable that there's an even greater depth of knowledge he has chosen not to reveal.

You now inherit the totality of Li Qiye's understanding, willpower, knowledge and memories—every recollection, every experience, down to the minutest detail. This encompasses practical skills like alchemy and flame control, as well as the array of laws contained within his mental sea, which serve as proof of his identity. This includes the various Scriptures and even the technique he devised to cultivate multiple inner physiques. When I say everything, I mean even the knowledge he erased from his mind, all of it, it’s all there. You also gain his ‘profound gaze’, perfect memory, instant perfect recall, and an Index to easily sort through his immense knowledge.

Furthermore, you gain access to a private pocket dimension that brims with each and every treasure and item that Li Qiye has amassed in his long, long live. Though, do note that you'll be restricted to utilizing only those treasures aligned with your level of prowess, as such most of the treasury may initially be beyond your reach, but over time, you will be worthy to use the entirety of this near-endless treasury. Exclusive access to this pocket dimension is yours alone—any intrusion from other entities will be met with retribution from the very heavens themselves.