Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Nature

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Path of the Warrior

The idea of something to be learned is not limited to what you can do. You can gain inspiration from the world around you, make techniques from nature, and create paths that are impossible. You can walk the Path of Three Wings despite not having three wings. You must be aware of yourself and your actions. To take in what you observe into yourself and work with them. Your senses are far sharper than normal and your foresight is unparalleled. You are like a grand sage of wisdom, your mental fortitude and patience are infinite.

Living Nature

Your inspiration from nature can be unified and connected. Your techniques are Self-Correcting, and your Paths are Self-Growing. They are endless in both creativity and limit. Your Way becomes better, it can both absorb and negate Conceptual effects as well. Absorbing it and creating a Path without needing to reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Nature's Many

You have simultaneous awareness of all timelines, with so many different perspectives and possibilities you cannot fully die until all your possibilities are killed. With an infinite timeline, you must die infinitely.


You can accelerate your healing rate with concentration and breathing. You have reached total control over your physical body. You can control your very own adrenaline and emotions. You're immune to all forms of mental altercations and can tell if someone is trying to manipulate you.

Social Life

There are many forms of combat, and not all of them are direct. You can maneuver through subtle manipulation and outwit even the most manipulative of people. You can control the flow of conversations rather easily.