Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Resources

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Blacksmith of Potential

No longer are you restricted by a lack of materials. As you experience more of the world and lay your hands on more and more crafting materials, you find that you are able to summon all materials you have touched in your life. This metaphysical warehouse attached to your workshop is not unlimited initially, requiring you to research and work with materials more in order for them to restock more often. This warehouse can supply you with even one of a kind or esoteric materials, as long as you have scanned them once before. This is not limited to physical materials, allowing you to create objects using pure emotions, space, or even concepts such as time, although collecting such materials might be a challenge.

Well Stocked

Warehouse restocks much more frequently, no longer entirely dependent on how well you know a material. All materials have a low-level of passive research being applied to them, allowing you to understand more and more of your workshop over time even without your conscious attention. Your warehouse can artificially age materials, allowing you to have access to materials that are decades, centuries, or even millennia old.

Give It Your All!

You took ‘Give It Your All!’ far more literally than anyone expected, allowing you to store your own skills, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs in your warehouse. This does not drain you in any capacity, you will not lose anything you store in your warehouse. Skills used in the creation of an item could allow the wielder to use your own level of skill without any experience, an emotion could increase an object’s power the more said emotion is felt.

Mythological Materials

Materials gain boosts based on achievements by other creations with the same materials. A metal used in dragon-slaying blades will have an intrinsic damage multiplier against dragons. A crystal used for healing becomes even more effective as you make more healing talismans with it. These effects are entirely optional, as your warehouse will have a different variation of each material with every combination of its bonuses.

Quality First

You can refine and compress a material to be far stronger than it originally was. Forging, compressing, refining, you are improving the materials you work with. This exemplifies quality over quantity, allowing you to fuse 2, 10, or even 1000 iron ingots into a singular ingot that is greater than its components. Each and every variation of a refined material will be stored in your Warehouse, no matter how minor the difference between the variations, for example 10 and 10.000000001 are different, although humans could (and would) argue otherwise.