Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/Soul Container

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Soul Container

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Prototype

Your body is not merely a vessel for your Soul. It is an integral part of your being. Your Soul can evolve with your body, granting it the same level of defense as your physical body. Your mind, body, and Soul are one.

Your evolutions can adapt and learn from strange and esoteric forces and use them to your advantage. In time, you can even use and evolve far beyond the original holders of your copied powers and the you of the past.


Your knowledge of life, matter, souls, and all sorts of amazing and strange phenomena is flawless and allows seamless usage of anything you may come across. You can replicate the parts that make something unique within yourself with just a glance. Taking things people can do and granting you the power to do it, too. You have no limits. You can replicate anything.


With your body, mind, and Soul merged and the reach of your power unlimited, you have touched upon the notion that you could be far more than you appear. Given time and understanding, you can expand the notion of "yourself" and thus the reach of your adaptations. Due to the nature of this undertaking, it is much easier to extend yourself over things that are already conceptually close to you. Pulling "Information" into yourself might allow you to change knowledge about yourself, whether written down or memorized. Pulling "Past" could allow you to retroactively act in the past as it becomes necessary. Repeated expansions towards the same concept loosen your limitations on them until it is completely under your control.


You learn the secrets to life and rebirth. How to revive yourself from complete and total death and return back to life regardless of the cause. You also gain information from the cause of your death to return fully immune to it. You will always be able to heal back to peak mind, body, and Soul, leaving you unable to gain permanent injuries unless allowed. Nothing can put you down permanently, as you always come back.

Fires of Conflict

Your Soul can evolve just like your body, and because of this, your Powers evolve, too. They grow more versatile, robust, and adapted to foes at hand. Conflict creates the path for your growth, creating evolutions based on past and current foes to make future ones easier to defeat.