Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Keystone Powers/When Evolution Breaks

From Worm CYOA Wiki

When Evolution Breaks

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Prototype

You can absorb others, dead or alive. As you consume someone, your understanding of them grows. The way they speak, how they look, their actions, and even their emotions. Harvesting their knowledge, skills, and even physical capabilities (like genetics, powers, and mutations) to use as your own.

Make Us Whole

Because of your unified body, mind, and soul, all abilities that rely on them are improved. When you consume someone, you can choose to preserve their soul and consciousness, storing them in a mental world inside of you. You can also grant the beings within this world control over a split portion of yourself. This body is yours to freely shape and can be granted as many or as few of your capabilities as you want.


You can consume machines just like you can consume organic beings. Letting you absorb them within yourself and harvest data, information, programs, and whatever you can use for yourself. This grants you a greater understanding of software, programs, and coding while making you immune to any virus or malware from pilfering data and programs.


You can hyperventilate yourself to rapidly increase your power. In exchange for temporarily losing control of your body and letting it expand wildly, your mutation rate accelerates immensely. You can evolve immunities before they are needed, allowing you to overcome attacks the first time you encounter them. The more information you have, the easier and less taxing this is on your body. The more effort needed, the more inhuman you become before your evolutions allow you to overcome the perceived or theoretical threat.


There is nothing you cannot consume, making you a marvel of voracious destruction. You can evolve to destroy or consume anything from energy like electricity, heat, light, or more esoteric things like the fabric of space-time itself. You can also derive weapons from phenomena you observe. Using your immunities as a basis to create powerful counteractions to phenomena. You can evolve the antithesis of everything, turning your versatile defenses into a myriad of equally versatile offenses.


Whenever you inflict harm on someone, you can siphon off a part of their essence and gain access to part of their knowledge, skills, and powers. The more you hurt them, the more you learn from them. If you kill them, you can devour their entire soul and assimilate their full powers and personality.