Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Breath Attunement

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Breath Attunement

Cost: 2 SP

Required: Awakening (Warbreaker)

Objects that have been previously Awakened by you are improved proportionally to the amount of Breaths devoted. This improvement works across all aspects of the object, a sword would become more durable and much sharper, and even the object's materials would slowly improve in quality with every Awakening. These effects further bolster any future Awakenings done on the object.

You can shave off slivers of your Divine Breath, granting any object a Divine Breath of its own. This sliver of divinity will fundamentally be tied to an object, and cannot be separated by any means. This special Breath will multiply the effectiveness of Commands used on the Awakened Object.

Objects that are commonly used by you will have the chance to generate a Breath of their own through use. Using a sword to slaughter an army would have the Breath count increasing without any active involvement from you.