Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Divinity

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 3 SP

Required: Awakening (Warbreaker)

You have received a single distinct Divine Breath. Its initial value is equal to two thousand Breaths, bringing you to the Fifth Heightening. You are able to increase its value but feeding it normal Breaths with an imperfect conversation rate. Losing this breath will kill you, but fret not, it can only be given away willingly.

Your Divine Breath increases in value by the amount of Breaths you receive per interval. For example, at the start of every week, your Divine Breath's value will increase by three Breaths. As you further improve this supply, you will grow faster. Additionally, the conversation rate for your Divine Breath has been improved tremendously, and can further be improved with enough focused meditation.

The benefits of your Divine Breath improve as you raise its value. Your physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities will grow as you further refine your Divine Breath. Commands often used by you will become increasingly more effective, sometimes even allowing an object to act as if it has a will of its own, interpreting your Command as you'd best wish.