Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Dragon Rider

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Dragon Rider

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Gramarye (Inheritance Cycle)

You gain a dragon's egg which once hatched the dragon will become soul bound with you acting as a powerful life long companion. The dragon a fully sentient creature and able to use telepathy to communicate with you and others. Both you and the dragon are immortal. Your dragon also can share its energy to boost your spells and recover stamina. Dragon magic is heavily tied to their emotions and while they normally cant use magic themselves, while experiencing great emotion are capable of performing powerful miracles. Typically dragons grow without limit but you will gain the knowledge of a spell allowing you to help change your dragons size. With time you will become more elf like increasing your physical ability to a few times peak human. If your dragon is ever killed they will leave a Eldunarí (dragon heart-stone) containing their soul and consciousness. It may be possible to fully revive them with some creativity. You are also trained in rider martial arts and gain a riders sword which is a powerful sword made of magical meteorite able to channel and store vast amounts of energy and nearly indestructible.