Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/First Generation Slann (Warhammer Fantasy)

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First Generation Slann (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: High Magic (Warhammer Fantasy)

You are no mere mortal mage, you wield knowledge and power on par with the first generation of Slann, whose mastery of magic was so great as to only be surpassed by the Gods themselves and were the only ones to ever speak with the Old Ones.

On your own, you can move mountains, cause earthquakes, call down meteors, destroy cities, resurrect the dead, and slaughter hundreds of thousands of Daemons.

Greater than even your personal power however, is your ability to recreate the Lizardman’s infrastructure, from the Sacred Spawning Pools, to the Temple Cities and Geomantic Web, you remember it all, and indeed might yet build a realm that spans the planet.

Despite the name, becoming a Slann is entirely optional, though regardless you will have their biological immortality.