Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Heir of the Old Ones (Warhammer Fantasy)

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Heir of the Old Ones (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: First Generation Slann (Warhammer Fantasy)

Instead of a Slann, you are on par with their makers, the Old Ones themselves. This boosts your personal power even further, with spells like the Vortex being but child’s play to you, and moving planets a simple and only mildly difficult struggle. This also grants you intelligence on par with an Old One. You possess powers beyond that of a god, and could indeed bind and shape them to your will just as you could beings of flesh and blood. The mere act of speaking is enough to slay any being weaker than a First Generation Slann Mage-Priest, should you wish it.

Your mastery of magic and technology is where you truly shine however, for yours built an empire so grand it spans the universe itself and all of time. Entire races of servants might be built to fulfill your grand designs, and you know how to make gates going through the Aethyr that allows for instant travel between two places. Indeed magic and technology are but one and the same to you. Your mastery of biology is not merely limited to servant races either, indeed for your kind molded from subpar materials the many races of Mallus, primarily Elves, Dwarves, and Humans.