Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Usagihime

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Child of Luna

Your new lunar form has been even further blessed, granting you two additional abilities to use as you see fit: Your first new power is healing: You can radiate a pale light on your surroundings that phases through mundane materials, healing wounds or illnesses and soothing pain for all exposed. While this regeneration is incredibly strong, capable of undoing nearly any injury short of death, it is slow, taking hours to restore missing limbs and organs or cure terminal illnesses. While radiating this light at full strength requires at least some focus, you can still harness it passively at greatly reduced strength even when asleep or incapacitated - and you are not exempt from its healing, allowing you to benefit as well.

Your other new power is transformation: At will, you can shift into the form of a bipedal, snow-white rabbit-person, and with it gain further power; while transformed, you shed anywhere from half to nearly all of your durability to gain a proportionately massive increase in both speed, reflexes and senses, and alongside that your magic’s powersets are enhanced noticeably, both in quality and quantity.

Rabbit and Wolf

Your nature as a Werewolf and the newfound animalistic side of your lunar abilities have combined and empowered each other: Your Werewolf side now benefits from all the abilities of your rabbit transformation in an altered form, instead gaining sheer strength and swapping to more offense-oriented powersets in exchange for the sacrificed durability, an increase in your regeneration speed due to synergy between it and your healing ability, and lastly having its weakness to silver and divine weapons greatly lessened - or even turned into enhancement at greater levels of power, such as the rank of Elder or Loup-Garou. Conversely, your now-Wererabbit form has been enhanced with all the traits of your Werewolf form - both old and new - plus any upgrades that you’ve taken, and can even be inherited alongside your Werewolf half if you choose to pass on your ‘curse’.