You've gained command over the mystical forces of the abyss and wield three distinct abilities. With Abyssal Corruption, you possess the ability to taint and corrupt nearby entities with the insidious power of the abyss, transforming them into your loyal familiars. This process can only be performed on entities that are gravely wounded or recently deceased, with corpses over a week old proving resistant to successful corruption. These corrupted familiars serve as extensions of your will, obeying your commands and aiding you in your endeavors.
The second ability, Abyssal Calling, grants you the power to summon beings from the realms of myths and legends. Through this power, you can temporarily bring forth these entities into the material world, allowing their presence for up to one hour. However, with skillful negotiation and forging of pacts, you can establish a lasting connection with the summoned beings, turning them into either familiars or powerful patrons who bestow you with their otherworldly guidance and abilities.
The third ability, Abyssal Pact, endows you with the ability to bind contracts in an unbreakable manner. Any contractual relationship you enter into becomes irrevocable, rendering your enemies, servants, comrades, familiars, or patrons unable to break the terms of the agreement. Should they attempt to violate the pact, severe consequences befall them, acting as a powerful deterrent against betrayal or treachery.