Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/Child of Luna

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Child of Luna

Cost: 35 SP

You have been gifted a new and greatly enhanced form with all of the qualities of the Moon, and even more: First and foremost among your abilities, Physique: Your body has been enhanced with not only all of the durability, raw power, and mass - of which you may selectively exert, with your gravitational abilities - of Earth’s own moon condensed into your human form, but also similarly massive reserves of stamina and magical energy, granting you a staggering amount of might.

Your second ability is Gravity, similar to a Sun’s: Where yours differs from theirs, however, is that you are gifted with an extreme degree of control and nuance over it rather than just sheer exertion of force, being more akin to a sort of telekinesis; while starting out you may ‘only’ be as capable as your physical abilities, you can do so on such a scale as the tides themselves, and will only grow more precise with time and practice, with surgery and complex machinery as examples of mid-level skill, and Tinkertech at your heights.

Your third ability is Reflection: This allows you to unconditionally reflect any attack back toward the assailant at full power without incurring any damage yourself. This reflection is directly linked to an internal reserve of power that continuously decreases with each reflected attack until it empties. Once depleted, Reflection becomes temporarily unusable. Your reserve passively refills, and depending on the amount depleted, takes at most 24 hours to fully replenish. The strength and nature of attacks will directly translate into percentages reflected: For instance, attacks that might have caused a cut that drew blood would deplete only a minuscule fraction.

Your fourth and final ability is Phase: Depending on the current phase of the moon - new, crescent, half, gibbous, or full - you gain a complement of supporting magical powers to help augment yourself and your other three abilities, with examples such as concealing darkness, unnatural cold, illusions, or even divination. While these sets don’t have the raw power of your primary abilities, they’re no slouches in their own right. Odd lunar ‘phases’ like blood moons and solar eclipses grant unique powersets that are stronger than usual.


Your nature as both a child of the Moon and also as one of her Exalted champions have synergized and further strengthened your Lunar physiology and powers beyond the norm: Your lunar attributes are no longer equivalent Earth’s own Moon, but rather that of a truly colossal moon, significantly greater in size and mass than even Ganymede, with all of the appropriate enhancements to your abilities - physical attributes and reserves, Gravity, and Reflection - to match.

Total Eclipse

Your solar and lunar halves have combined into a greater whole, unlocking greater strength than their individual parts - in addition to the greater control and finesse of your lunar gravity gaining the much greater power and reach of your solar half, and your reflection benefitting from the proportionate increase in durability, you have unlocked another ability: By using your lunar half as a sort of ‘lens’ and reflecting your own solar radiance, you can unleash rays and lances of searing light strong enough to vaporize nearly any mundane material, at the cost of weakening your reflection while in use. This also allows access to your magic’s solar eclipse powerset at any time.

Should you have purchased Usagihime as well, your power of healing is also enhanced, granting it a golden shine that invigorates those bathed in it as well, restoring stamina and bolstering strength and courage.