You possess a rather special magical power; not only can you copy the magical abilities of others in your vicinity, but you can also combine them in different permutations, stronger than the sum of their parts! Combining fire and lightning magic to make plasma magic, combining multiple different styles of air magic to compound and multiply their effects, and even combining two magics from different worlds into a new hybrid practice are all examples of what Copycat can accomplish.
Copycat's duplicates are limited by your own raw magical strength; should you copy the magic of someone stronger than yourself, your versions of their abilities will be naturally be weaker than the originals, though this also means that if you copy a weaker opponent, you can use their powers more effectively than they can! Copycat also grants you the the knowledge of and skill with said copied magics that their original users had, preventing you from being stuck training it trying to catch up to the original, though this is also lost along with the magic if you discard it, unless you put effort to train it yourself.
You start out with a limit of three copied magics at a time and a copying range of thirty meters, both of which can be expanded with just training and time. Copied magic can be anything from all of someone's magical abilities to just a single spell as you wish, with the only limit being that it has to be from just one target at a time - no stuffing multiple peoples' magics in a single slot.