You are a master of the school of illusion, this ranges from minor tricks and misdirection's, all the way to fooling the perception of reality itself. You focus on the magic of perception itself, creating lies so good they might as well be truth, hiding in plain sight the fantastical, or fooling the senses to perceive the impossible in the mundane, But not only the mental aspect of this magic is open to you, the physical is as well, craft puppets made of light and shadow, overlay a differing reality upon this one, or even fool memories, creating lifetimes, experiences and sensations in people, making them question the very fabric of the world around them. The grand art of this school of magic is the lie so great it fools all the world, turning lie and fiction into truth, and overwriting reality. This is far beyond you as of right now, but with time and effort you may be able to accomplish this. Just remember if you hit the universe, the universe tend to try and hit back, so trying to turn your thought to reality incurs an enormous cost, whether that be by magical energies, or if you are unable to pay with that, physical ones, even including lifespan.