Curios, you seem to have been blessed utterly by music. Your skill as a composer and performer of music has reached legendary status, and you can translate any feeling, idea, or concept into a song evoking these things. You also possess the ability to summon and telekinetically utilize to the peak of your abilities any instruments you desire or need, no matter how expensive or rare. Have your orchestra be staffed entirely by Stradivarius violins if you so desire. However the true power of this is revealed when you channel these feelings into your pieces with the intent to cause change in the world around you. As your blessing has touched the realm of magic, through the medium of music you can cause magical and mystical effects tied to the song and the things it evokes. A raging song evoking a storm or the wrath of the heavens might summon up said storm, a quiet contemplative piece might enhance the learning capabilities of everyone who hears it. A nostalgic sorrowful piece could soften the heart and ease the burdens of those it reaches. The sky's the limit so to speak, as the things you evoke and represent with the primordial language of sounds reach out and persuade the world to change through pure emotion. This is an old and powerful branch of magic, tracing its roots all the way through Orpheus and Solomon, and even deeper into mankind's primordial past, and beyond.