Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/Occult Magic (Pathfinder)

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Occult Magic (Pathfinder)

Cost: 10 SP

You are proficient in the use of Occult Magic. You start off at the level of a novice (1st level spells). Through research and rigorous training you can increase the number of spells you can memorize as well as the level of spells you can cast.

This power can behave like any of the arcane classes available such as the Psychic, Occultist, or Mesmerist. The classes are merely guidelines for the unexperienced to follow, you are are not locked into any single class, and can instead can develop any class features available to the various Occult Magic classes.

Outside of Golarion you are able to cast spells of the 10th level and higher as the gods cannot reach you there.