Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/Servant (Type-Moon)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Servant (Type-Moon)

Cost: 10 SP (The Moon Cell Automaton (Type-Moon))

Cost: 0 SP (The Moon Cell Automaton (Type-Moon))

You are a Nasuverse Servant. You do not age unless you want to, and even death isn’t permanent for you. As a physical soul in ether filled universe, death is not permanent. You will eventually reincarnate as yourself, some years after you die, and continue to enjoy your own lives. More thorough deaths can require a lengthier reincarnation but only the destruction of the soul, a very rare attribute, can permanently lay you low. Servants don't need to eat and drink as long as you are in a magic rich environment or have a steady stream of mana and even have no need of breathing. However, you can still eat and drink. The food is converted into magical energy. You can also survive unharmed in the vacuum of space and resist many of the dangers of this environment. You currently do not possess any Noble Phantasm, but depending upon the stories you make and legends you create, new Noble Phantasms may bloom in your soul.


The power of the Holy Grail has supercharged your power as a servant. All of your parameters, class skill, personal skill, and Noble phantasm have been increased by 3 ranks. Being supplied magical energy by the holy grail also means that you could use your power and ability to your heart's content without fear of running out of magical energy.

Unfolding Hero Journey

The power of Saga has bolstered your power as a Heroic Spirit. As your fame and renown increases, so too does your parameters, skills, and Noble Phantasm grow in power.

Any Noble Phantasm you have now gained the trait of a Saga, which means you can now utilize them in new ways based on your own interpretation and recontextualization of their abilities, and Saga now carries Mystery, which increases their potency and allows them to gain more esoteric effects.