Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/The Awakened Gnosis (Mage: The Awakening)

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The Awakened Gnosis (Mage: The Awakening)

Cost: 20 SP

Embracing the essence of magic, you have awakened as a Mage, harnessing the root of all sorcery—the enigmatic Gnosis. This ethereal force acts as a compass, guiding your connection to the very core of magic itself. While your journey begins as rank 1, your Gnosis serves as a beacon, drawing you closer to the divine source of magic. With each stride forward, your Gnosis deepens, unfurling hidden wisdom and bestowing upon you unmatched mastery of the arcane arts.

As your Gnosis ascends, your comprehension of the profound Arcana expands, unlocking enigmatic secrets and granting a multitude of benefits. Rituals quicken, bending time effortlessly to your will, while your mana pool expands, allowing you to channel greater mystical energy. Moreover, higher levels of Gnosis facilitate the exploration of advanced Arcana, enabling you to unravel their mysteries with ease.

Yet, heed this solemn warning: True Archmastery, a realm beyond the fifth ranks of Gnosis, demands unwavering dedication and sacrifices yet to be made. As the dance between heightened Gnosis and powerful magical effects, such as creating earthquakes or granting sentience to machines, may carry a risk of backlash for the unprepared Mage.

Embarking on this journey, you begin as a humble disciple in your 2 ruling Arcana and a mere apprentice in all other's. As you chart the vibrant tapestry of the Arcana, your Gnosis stirs something within you—an unmatched intuition and innate ability to ascend through the ranks swiftly, mastering and even creating spells without the need for a mentor. Instinctually, you discern the path to progress, growing ever closer to the pinnacle of your awakened potential.

In your boundless pursuit in realm of Arcana, you are unfettered, guided by the luminous path illuminated by your expanding Gnosis.