Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/Witch of the Void

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Witch of the Void

Cost: 25 SP

You are a witch who finds themselves mysteriously linked to the unfathomable concept of the void, where all things end, and ordinarily, mere contact with this void results in death. Your power stems from a realm lurking beneath the fabric of existence, representing Entropy and Death. Through this connection, You have acquired proficiency in the arcane arts of the darker magical disciplines. You will be to fire a Void Blast that can be fired as a beam, wave, or general blast. You will also gain increased proficiency in energy manipulation and necromancy.

Furthermore, You possess entry to a secluded dimension, out of sync with reality, that acts as a Prison. This realm serves as confinement; any entity You encase within the Prison becomes incapable of escape unless those imprisoned surpass your strength or seek external assistance. Your ability to teleport allows you to travel anywhere on the planet you currently reside on in a flash of purple light.

It's important to acknowledge that beings connected to life or those opposed to entropy instinctively fear you. They can sense your connection to the concepts of entropy and death, prompting an aversion towards any association with you. This drawback, however, can be mitigated through dedicated time and effort. Additionally, you are immune to the natural progression of aging or succumbing to illness. Also, Excessive use of your powers will lead to weariness and lethargy.