Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Dance of the Shikigami (Naruto)

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Dance of the Shikigami (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Innovator of the paper trails, you are a Paper Person. In fact, your very body can split apart into thousands of pieces of paper. This makes you effectively invincible, as any attack that'd deal damage only damages, at most, a very small part of you as long as you have chakra.

The technique is the lifework of Konan, who changed her very chakra into paper to create this technique.

Your body and clothing all become paper that you can control, change the color of, and shape. Nothing can stop your manipulation of paper and it surpasses other manipulators as this paper is made simply of your chakra.

You can sense through this paper and even scout out locations. You can even create clones of this paper, mixed with explosive tags or other sealwork.

Your paper is able to take intense amounts of heat, enough to melt steel, and withstand it effortlessly. You can even clash with steel with this paper. The sharpness of the paper is enough to tear into even metallic armors with little resistance.

Your paper can emulate surroundings perfectly, disguising itself as natural scenery. You are truly a Paper Person.

Unlike Konan, your reproductive anatomy will not be rendered impotent by this technique, and you will generally be able to behave as if you had normal anatomy if you would ever find that more convenient.