Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Divine Guardian

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Divine Guardian

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Sacred Guardian

Your guardian angel further gains five abilities, totaling to fifteen.

Sacrificial Pawn: When either the host or the Guardian faces imminent death, another designated life form will perish in their place, no matter where they are. For this ability to take effect, the Guardian Angel must establish a pre-arranged agreement with the sacrificial life form, with full consent from them. There is no limit to the number of backup life forms this ability can have. The Guardian Angel can also use this on themselves.

Lover's Boon: In conjunction with Sacrificial Pawn, each sacrificed Pawn provides a stackable temporary 5% buff to the Guardian's overall power. This enhancement ceases when the sacrificed Pawn is replaced, by another lifeform, or if they got resurrected.

Domain Of Vigilance: They are now able to conjure an undetectable sphere with a radius spanning 500 meters, enveloping all sides. Within this ethereal domain, they attain heightened perception, becoming acutely aware of their surroundings and capable of reacting to any potentially harmful intent within a mere thousandth of a second. Those who venture into this sanctuary will also experience a gradual sluggishness in their movements, continually decreasing until it reaches a reduction of approximately 25%..

Armor of Absolution: The Guardian Angel can now conjure a full-body armor with aesthetics of the host's choosing. This armor doesn't impede the Guardian's maneuverability in any way, and increases in durability proportionally to the damage incurred, while also boasting swift regeneration capabilities. Additionally, the armor offers complete protection against any harmful psychic or esoteric influences directed at the Guardian Angel, like mind control and internal telekinesis.

Final stand: When all else has failed, your Guardian Angel possesses the ability to merge with you, metamorphosing into an immensely more potent entity that amplifies all their stats by a factor of 1000X. You retain the freedom to determine the overall appearance and aesthetic of this newfound form. However, exercise caution, as this transformation is a last-resort measure, lasting only one hour before a mandatory separation, with a subsequent cooldown period of one week, leaving you the host irreversibly bedridden during that duration.

Invincible Guardian

The infusion of Mannoroth the Destructor's blood into your Guardian Angel has given rise to an unparalleled protector. They now consistently surpass you in every conceivable way by a factor of 150, with a notable augmentation to their overall passive growth.

All of their unique abilities have also undergone substantial growth, both in potency and breadth, making them even more formidable, for instance:

Protector's Wrath will enhance the Guardian Angel's overall stats by a factor of 50, extending the duration to 60 minutes, with a cooldown of 12 hours.

In the event of their death, the resurrection time has been significantly reduced. They only require a mere 12 hours, instead of the previous 24, to fully revive at their maximum capacity. If Divine angle has been chosen, and in the event of the host's demise, for a duration of 24 hours, the Guardian Angel will undergo a remarkable buff of 600% in every conceivable aspect.