Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Ghost of The Uchiha, Fake (Naruto)

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Ghost of The Uchiha, Fake (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: From The God Tree (Naruto)

Required: Sharingan (Naruto)

Your stealth skills have increased significantly. Now you can keep yourself hidden from all sources of tracking, people have a hard time seeing you, and you are the perfect spy.

Your Sharingan's genjutsu significantly increases in power as well. You can cast genjutsu, even without chakra, from the Sharingan with the ease of breathing, and your genjutsu are so powerful, that they can enslave people of half your power or less with little issue, as long as they have no defenses in place.