Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Of All That is Good

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Of All That is Good

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Aasimar (D&D)

You embody light, life, and goodness in all it’s forms. Exquisite flowers bloom where you step and your light chases away evil, depression and all things commonly thought of as bad. You can see the sins of every living thing you can gaze at. Your halo evolves and no innocent can be harmed or hurt as long as its light reaches them, you can heal just about anything other than death away in the blink of an eye, and looking at you is now akin to a religious experience. You gain massive control and power over holy sun fire, spawning it and controlling it at will, choosing what and who it can hurt. Your presence is a balm to the soul chasing away depression and other such mental or spiritual afflictions of all that surround you, you gain an infinite lifespan as while you are still a mortal you now have more in common with other celestials such as angels than a normal human. You can every week resurrect one person fully and completely, but be very careful doing so, you might just take a soul out of heaven and their eternal paradise, and that is a very, very cruel thing to do. You can feel people that are in harms way and appear near them in order to help them, this feeling extends to about the size of New York city in a circle around you. You also gain a pair of functional angel wings.

All these powers can be turned on and off at will or be dialed up and down as you please.

Your comprehension of the Celestial language also increases. The Words of Creation were fragments of the precursor of the Celestial language. This precursor language, known as Supernal, was said to be the tongue of the gods themselves. Able to be understood by any sentient mind. And now you know a few of those words, able to learn more with time.