Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Reverse Cursed Technique (Jujutsu Kaisen)

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Reverse Cursed Technique (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Cost: 5 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Cost: 10 SP (The Six Eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen))

Required: Cursed Energy Manipulation (Jujutsu Kaisen)

A specialized form of cursed technique that possesses the unique ability to convert negative cursed energy into positive energy. Through this technique, the transformation of destructive energy into constructive energy is achieved by combining two sources of cursed energy, resulting in a multiplication effect. Thus, the energy that destroys becomes energy that creates, and negative energy becomes positive.

The utilization of reverse cursed energy spans a wide range of applications, with its most prominent use being in healing. By harnessing this energy, one can achieve a complete restoration of severed limbs, mend deep bone injuries, or even resurrection from the brink of death, all within a span of seconds. Moreover, the versatility of this technique enables continuous, uninterrupted operation, granting you the capacity to employ it incessantly without limitations, if you have the reserve for it.

However, as this technique originates from the brain, a devastating blow that eradicates the brain entirely would result in fatality.