Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Spear Bearer (Tower of God)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Spear Bearer (Tower of God)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Shinsu Manipulation (Tower of God)

The Spear Bearers are the long range masters of the Tower with them able to strike their targets with deadly precision from hundreds of meters away as a baseline. Ranker Spear Bearers are capable of hitting targets from tens of kilometers away. You carry this legacy with ease as your Spears can strike your targets with deadly power and up to five hundred meters away with perfect accuracy.

Spear Bearers fight from a distance and are incredibly skilled at keeping track of their foes. You have the ability to designate an opponent as your prey. Once you do so you will be aware of that prey’s location within a ten mile radius around you. Your strikes targeting this prey are more likely to hit but they can be dodged or blocked.

This effect is broken if you designate another enemy as prey or they move further than ten miles away from you. Spear Bearers are incredibly useful for taking down a single target in one all mighty blow. The more powerful denizens of the Tower have incredible durability and resistance to Shinsu and are only affected by the most powerful blows.

You are capable of designating a single target in a battle and making a single strike against them can ignore most of their resistance. This isn’t an instant one-shot ability, but the strike does significantly more damage than a normal strike would. This reflects the ability of a master Spear Bearer to make one decisive strike at the perfect moment in a battle. Your attack does not grow any stronger, it's just more effective. For Example: If you have the strength to obliterate a building, then you cannot obliterate a mountain but you might be able to cause a mudslide that changes the shape of the mountain.