Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Tailless Tailed Beast (Naruto)

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Tailless Tailed Beast (Naruto)

Cost: 8 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Cost: 4 SP (Divine Paper Mars (Naruto))

Required: Chakra (Naruto)

Required: Samehada (Naruto)

Your chakra explodes exponentially, making you rival a proper tailed beast in chakra. Your skills in Kenjutsu are amplified, allowing you to fight even the greatest swordmasters with Samehade.

With all of that said, your greatest asset is still your ninjutsu. The power of your Water-Style ninjutsu is increased tenfold (creating lakes is as easy as a single hand-seal for you), and you can swim faster than the eye can track.