Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Uniqueness (Lord of The Mysteries)

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Uniqueness (Lord of The Mysteries)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Beyonder (Lord of the Mysteries)

You now have your Pathway's Uniqueness accommodated in your body, even at Sequence 9. Your Uniqueness is the only one that exists in all of existence, as it is the Authority of your Pathway condensed into a single object, no matter how hard someone may try, there is no way to duplicate, steal, delete, or modify your Uniqueness without your permission. Having your Uniqueness accommodated, even at Sequence 9, qualitatively improves every single of your Sequence, from your pathway abilities, magic spells, mystic rituals, to even your growth rate due to the Partial Authority over your Pathway that you possess. Your growth will not have any soft-caps or barriers for you to experience, as you are now incredibly in tune with your Pathway, allowing you to advance much easier.