Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Deus Est Machina (40k)

From Worm CYOA Wiki

Deus Est Machina (40k)

Cost: 25 SP

You have ascended as the Avatar of the Omnissiah, the God of Technology and Progress, granting you unrivaled dominion over all aspects of technology, including magitech. With this power, you possess an innate understanding and boundless knowledge of all technology ever invented or yet to be conceived by humans. Your mind effortlessly comprehends any technology you see and can generates step-by-step guides to invent and create nearly any technology you desire. Initially, you can easily bring to life any theoretically possible human invention within a 1000-year timeframe, although more advanced technologies require further research and exploration.

Your mastery over technology allows you to manipulate and modify any object or technology you control, instantly shaping it according to your will. You have the ability to upgrade its capabilities, downgrade its functions, or make any alterations you deem necessary. Your vitality acts as the catalyst for these modifications, empowering you to reshape and enhance technology with unparalleled ease.

It is important to acknowledge that the creation and modification of technology still rely on the available materials. You cannot yet generate energy or matter from nothing, although as you will evolve over time, you will have greater access to and manipulation of materials as you introduce more advanced technology into the world.

With your ascended consciousness, your physical body now serves as a mere vessel to contain your essence. Your mind possesses the extraordinary ability to instantaneously move to any technology within your proximity. You are aware of and can effortlessly assume control over all technology within a 10km radius, extending your influence and guidance to a vast array of technological creations.