Through the study of an ancient and unique race, the Elders, humanity discovered immortality. Well a form of it, anyways. You’ve been given the the ability to easily create and expand upon any and all technology shown, hinted at, or referenced in the Altered Carbon series, from Cortical Stacks, A.I.s, bioengineering and cloning, to even the Elders' technology such as the Angels orbiting Harlan’s World.
You’ve also gained the training, skill, and experience of the envoy Takeshi Kovacs, giving you the ability to jump different bodies endlessly without driving yourself insane or experiencing sleeve sickness and shock, combat skill and battle IQ capable of outwitting and defeating several enemies, and incredible detective skills capable of solving even unsolvable cases.
Your ability to swap sleeves, or bodies, will allow you to retain all your powers between bodies if you wish, regardless of the nature of your powers. When swapping sleeves it is not just a digital copy being sent over, but your very soul itself. So you may rest assured that you're not actually killing yourself and creating a copy every time you switch, this also applies to others, and also includes scenarios where you have been “respun” from an older copy if the current one cannot be found, you'll just have some missing memories. If you are doubled sleeved or there is an active digital copy, your clones will be perfectly loyal, and if they survive past your death, one of them will receive your memories and soul and perfectly merge with you to resurrect you.
And as a final benefit, the sleeve you wake up in, whether your own current body or a new one, will be outfitted with a cortical stack with the greatest military and civilian upgrades, enhancing everything form your cognitive functions to your strength and reflexes.