You gain the total technological knowledge of the Sufficiently Advanced role playing game, explicitly including technology from the chronotech supplement. From replicators & nanites, wormholes & warp drives, super social engineering techniques & psychohistory models, supercomputers & neural interfaces, immortality and biological enhancements, to temporal channels and temporal interdiction fields and more, you know everything described, implied, or reasonably extrapolated from Sufficiently Advanced.
Notes: Suff Adv’s FTL methods can explicitly be used as physical time machines. Meta Tech does not let you auto win social interaction just because you know the theory/have this power, merely create training regimes to teach techniques & skills that grant large but finite advantages at a given task, it is not magic. Civilizations in Suff Adv have not yet figured out non destructive consciousness uploading. Finally, be aware that technologies (especially enhancements to people) at or exceeding a certain point of advancement (3 out the games 5 point scale of tech levels) have increased maintenance requirements.