Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Blaster

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(Blaster) Epilepsy

Cost: 1 SP

Anyone you hit with this blast will start getting migraines and seeing flashing colors. The blast hits with the force of a strong punch and travels at twenty miles per hour. This can temporarily stop a Thinker's power from working, for maybe 10 seconds.

(Blaster) Super Murder Death Beams

Cost: 1 SP

You can fire large ominous beams of energy that can create large noises when it hits something. Coming in contact with a living being causes them to be mildly ticklish.

(Blaster) Boomerang

Cost: 1 SP

If you throw an item, you can choose to have it returned back into your hands. Thrown items will slowly continue accelerating when flying back. You can always easily catch it with no harm to you. It will continue flying back and forth if you don't catch it.

(Blaster) Unlimited Ammo Works

Cost: 2 SP

As long as you have at least one projectile left, you will never run out. You can create phantasmal copies of your ammo that work just as well as the original, though they do dissipate 10 seconds after impact.

(Blaster) Custom Projectile

Cost: 2 SP

You can modify any projectile to whatever form you want. You can change it's appearance, shape, size, and weight. It's size and weight can be at most be off by a single order of magnitude. You can also make it invisible.

(Blaster) Phantom Punches

Cost: 2 SP

Punching and kicking empty air creates phantom limbs in the distance which will copy your movements. You can choose where they appear.

(Blaster) Mine Now!

Cost: 2 SP

You can point at any small object and teleport it directly into your hand. If something is too big then it will feel a strong tug in your direction and fail to teleport.

(Blaster/Master) Earworm

Cost: 3 SP

Not only do your blasts hit with a good amount of kinetic energy, at most as strong as the strongest kick you could give, they also get ideas stuck in the victim's head. You can selectively blast someone with a blast that removes the earworms from their head. The blasts resemble Gallant's blasts.

(Blaster) Hookshot

Cost: 3 SP

You can shoot a blast of energy that, if it hits an opponent, forces them toward you at about 5 miles per hour.

(Blaster) Debuff

Cost: 3 SP

You can modify your projectiles to apply a debuff, such as burn, stun, caustic, poisonous, disease, hypnotic, sensory deprivation, or fatigue.

(Blaster) Blaster

Cost: 4 SP

You can release bullets from your hand, about at the rate of an M16. The bullets are homing, going after whoever you choose as the target. The longer they home the slower the bullets go.

(Blaster/Striker) Sneak Attack

Cost: 4 SP

Unseen attacks from you deal twice the damage they normally would. This can apply to any form of attack so long as they are not aware of its existence.

(Blaster) Hand Lights

Cost: 4 SP

You can create beams of energy that can connect and interact with the real world instead of destroying it. You can control these beams freely, allowing you to make them wrap around objects, latch onto buildings, use them as a grappling hook, intercept attacks, and so on. You can control how thin these get and how large they get. While there is no range, you cannot sense through them.

(Blaster/Master) Skill Thief

Cost: 5 SP

You have the ability to absorb the practical expertise of anyone you focus on.

The skills you can absorb can be increased by things such as eye contact or physical contact, with each connection made increasing the breadth and depth of what you are able to steal, whether a specific skill or a target's general skill set.

Unless you completely steal a target's skill, they will regain the skill over time.

You permanently retain any stolen skills and can improve them by re-stealing partially stollen skills or stealing similar skills.

(Blaster) Bloody Hell

Cost: 5 SP

The user can erase matter using their blood as a catalyst. Anything their blood touches can be erased. An example is by splattering their blood on their opponents, erasing their targets. The user can still die of blood loss.

(Blaster) Pew Pew!

Cost: 5 SP

You can now shoot whatever type of weapon with the correct hand sign and sounds. Such as copying a handgun with a Bang and gun hand sign or a ray gun with pew pew.

(Blaster/Changer) Birdie!

Cost: 5 SP

You can grow large feathers along your skin that are hard enough to act as light armor and can fire these feathers as accurate projectiles.

(Blaster/Trump) Imbue Projectile

Cost: 5 SP

You can imbue projectiles with your powers. Powers like Mover and Brute powers would affect the projectile itself, while powers like Striker powers would affect those the projectile touches.

(Blaster) Mutation

Cost: 5 SP

The user gains a short-ranged Blaster power, taking the form of writhing, near-invisible "whips" of energy. These whips are Manton limited, allowing them to pass through inorganic matter only. The whips work by inducing debilitating, permanent physical mutations on those struck. Examples include: having the targets legs fused into a single mangled, paralysed limb or having heavy tangle of bone snakes grow between the targets ribcage making every breath a struggle.

(Blaster) Lightningrod

Cost: 6 SP

You can make it lightning strike someone, even if it's a sunny day. This power has a recharge of three minutes. This lightning is as strong as natural lightning, and is stronger than the lightning created by Firebending.

(Blaster) Acceleration

Cost: 6 SP

You can cause any object/projectile/blaster power to accelerate while still in motion and doubling for every second, starting at 10/mph. This effect stops when the projectile hits something or is no longer in motion and has diminishing returns.

(Blaster) Voodoo

Cost: 7 SP

By using clay figures, paintings, or just someone's photos, you can affect the one it is resembling by interacting with it.

The severity of injuries or effects you can inflict depends on the nature and accuracy of the items used.

(Blaster) Selective Targeting

Cost: 7 SP

You can fire reasonably destructive but small scale fast moving blasts of colorful light. These blasts can be selectively Manton Limited to either only affect matter, types of matter, or people.

(Blaster) Chained

Cost: 7 SP

The user can create and fling chains from their arms. Just before launching a chain, the user can choose a substance that the chain will home in on and stick to — it will pass harmlessly through all other substances. If they don’t pick any substance, it will just stick to the first thing it hits. The user can retract any chain they have out, pulling it (and anything it’s attached to) towards them. If the object or person that the chain is attached to is strong enough to counter the pulling power of the chain, the user will instead be dragged to the thing that the chain’s stuck to.

(Blaster/Striker) Paper Cuts

Cost: 7 SP

Every attack you make causes at least a teaspoon worth of damage regardless of what you did. This can even break the effects of All-or-Nothings like Siberian and applies to any form of attack you deal with.

(Blaster/Thinker) Fistful of dollars

Cost: 7 SP

When you throw a coin into the air, it can reflect a ranged attack towards an enemy of your choice, or the nearest one if you can't make your mind up.

This can work on most ranged attacks. If someone shoots a coin you flipped into the air, the bullet is gonna ricochet back towards the shooter. If someone fires a laser at it, then the laser will ricochet. If a constant beam is attacking the coin, it will still be able to ricochet it for as long as it is in the way, but it will need another coin to be able to send it back to the attacker, otherwise, it will just ricochet the beam into the sky.

This power also comes with a thinker ability to calculate the best position and area to throw a coin for any attack.

You can also hit the coin, sending it into the area you were punching with 500% of the kinetic energy you hit it with. This allows the coin to bounce once before it loses its power. It will bounce off any surface for as long as it has powers.

If you have multiple coins in the air, the attack that hits one of the coins will ricochet towards the other coin, making the attack 25% stronger for every coin it hits.

The coin can be in the air forever, as long as it is airborne, not touching the ground, and not affected by a supernatural force.

(Blaster) Lighthouse

Cost: 8 SP

You can fire beams of light out of light sources you can see or within 50 feet. the strength of the laser is relative to the strength of the light. A typical lightbulb will fire a blast strong enough to stun a human or kill with repeated fire. This power does not work with celestial bodies.

(Blaster) Dollar Store Omega Beam

Cost: 8 SP

Your eyes are able to fire powerful laser beams that are able to cut through buildings, and possess incredible flexibility, allowing it to effortlessly bend and curve to precisely strike its intended target. No obstacle can escape the seeker-like precision of these lasers.

(Blaster) Bullet Hell

Cost: 8 SP

Any projectile or long-range attack you make gains additional phantom copies. This effectively multiplies your output and can include Blaster powers. However, the more copies you make, the more inaccurate you are.

(Blaster/Striker) Hemorrhage

Cost: 8 SP

Any attacks you deal are imbued with an energy that causes wounds to heal slowly and incorrectly. You can toggle this power on and off.

(Blaster/Shaker) Just Fireball

Cost: 8 SP

you can create fireballs in a wide variety of types and sizes. You can generate them in sizes anywhere from a baseball to a meter in diameter, create them out of either burning gas, oil, or plant matter, and can control how they move, such as having them fly in a straight line, obey gravity, follow a set path, or even chase after specific targets. You can also set how they interact with others, such as having them disperse on impact, bounce off of people and/or the environment, explode and spread their contents over an area, or stick to whatever they contact.

There is no hard upper limit to the number of fireballs you can have generated at a time, but you can only generate about one maximum-sized fireball a second, or however many other, smaller fireballs that make up the total size.

(Blaster/Master) Skill Reallocation

Cost: 8 SP

You temporarily swap the level of mastery and experience between two skills of anyone you can see. This can last up to a few days, but if there is a huge difference between two skills, the duration will be shortened. Swapping the target’s swordsmanship skill to polearms could last a week, but swapping it to cooking might last only a few hours. Any new expertise gained in a skill is also swapped back when the duration ends.

(Blaster) Charging Beam

Cost: 9 SP

You can shoot kinetically charged lasers from your hand that fires a beam that continuously gets stronger and stronger. The longer it is used the greater the power it shows. Initially, it fires a beam no more dangerous than a regular punch. But after an hour of usage, it can launch an Endbringer back.

(Blaster) Charged Beam

Cost: 9 SP

You can charge up energy welling in your hands and launch them. Your charge will form a ball of energy in your hand that glows. The longer you charge them the more destructive they are. An instant usage of this power is less dangerous than a gun, meanwhile, a day of charging can severely damage an Endbringer.

(Blaster/Mover) Cannoneer

Cost: 9 SP

You can create powerful beams of energy from wherever on your body. These beams of energy possess knockback and can kill you if you fire one that is too powerful. Though you may use these to fly as well if you disregard collateral damage. You can even be able to severely injure an Endbringer with this, but after doing so you might be sent flying.

(Blaster) Solar

Cost: 10 SP

You can absorb and store sunlight to turn into blasts or lasers at a later time. Your maximum capacity is a blast as powerful as twenty thermonuclear missiles, but you'd likely need help to achieve that power within your lifetime. If you were teleported to the sun while having this power and Immune Response, you might gain the power to do this within the three minutes you survived being there.

(Blaster/Brute) Icy Protection

Cost: 10 SP

The user has an icy blue shield that arrests the movement of anything that enters it. They can ‘spend’ their shield by firing it out as a laser that destroys nonliving matter in a wide beam in one direction, originating from the user. Living creatures struck by the beam are left paralyzed by intense cold. It takes about half a minute to recharge this shield after using the blast function.

(Blaster/Master) Sentry

Cost: 11 SP

You can create floating moving balls of light that you can see with. They can fire beams of concentrated energy at whatever you see. Their maximum range is 5 kilometers from you and will stay within that range, you can use your other blaster powers through them. These balls of light also take the properties of your various Blaster powers, such as if you could shoot nuclear blasts you can make them explode.

(Blaster) Worship

Cost: 12 SP

The more people that follow you, the stronger this power is. With no followers, this power does nothing, with one follower it's as strong as a bullet. To calculate the power of the blast, multiply the amount of followers you have by the power of a bullet. Assume the bullet is from some sort of handgun. As a True Evil person, this could be very very powerful, MAYBE enough to solo an Endbringer if you can survive long enough to get a shot in. Your blast is reminiscent of the blasters from Star Wars, though actually accurate.

(Blaster) Friendship Beam!

Cost: 12 SP

You can launch concentrated beams of colorful energy that get more powerful based on the total power of you and your allies combined. The better you work together and know them, the more accurate and control you have over this.

(Blaster/Striker) Beamsaber

Cost: 12 SP

You can extend beams of destruction that can extend up to 15 ft from your palms. These beams disintegrate anything they touch except for your body.

(Blaster) Broken Phantasm

Cost: 12 SP

Any projectile you fire, no matter the mass or size, will end up exploding on impact and hitting at at least Mach 4 (The fastest sniper rifle shoots at about Mach 6). Keep in mind to adjust your aim, a catapult will not hit the same place other catapults would, what with the projectile going multiple-times over the speed of sound.

(Blaster) The Classic

Cost: 12 SP

You can fire beams of energy that can burn through materials. You possess limited storage of energy that can strengthen your Blaster powers that recharge over time or faster in combat. The more energy you consume per blast, you can fire much stronger beams of energy. You possess a greater capacity the more Blaster powers you possess, but even without other powers, a full energy blast can severely damage an Endbringer.

(Blaster/Trump) Monochrome

Cost: 12 SP

You possess the ability to fire grey lasers that can slow anything it hits, this also makes them monochrome in color. You can combine all your Blaster powers into one. And have the flexibility to selectively choose which Blaster powers currently are being combined. The more Blaster powers you incorporate, the more colors Monochrome gains.

(Blaster/Trump) Metronome

Cost: 12 SP

You have three varieties of blast you can fire. The moment you fire a power you'll be able to set the specifics, assuming any need to be set. For example, if you fired the Gravity Shaker power, you'd be able to choose what gravity it applied over it's area of effect once it hit. While the following descriptions mention Tier-1 level powers, it's really saying any power that could be classified as a Tier-1 power. The first variety fires a random Tier-1 level Blaster or Shaker power at the target. The second fires a random Tier-1 level Striker power at the target. The third gives the target a random Tier-1 Thinker or Master power. This lasts for 3 minutes.

(Blaster/Changer) Identity Theft

Cost: 13 SP

The user can shoot out slow black beams that, when in contact with a person, cause the user to swap places with their target, killing them in the process, and morph into an exact body double of them. The user will also gain all of their target gear after transformation, leaving the user's own gear behind.

(Blaster) Mythical

Cost: 14 SP

You can release elemental blasts with the power of a nuclear missile, without any of the radiation. Well, unless your chosen element was radioactive.

(Blaster) Damocles

Cost: 15 SP

The user can fire a single, lethal-homing projectile shaped like a sword. It originates above and slightly behind the user's head. The more people the user wants to kill, the larger, sharper, and faster the sword becomes. The sword cannot cut through the user's own flesh and only dissipates when all its targets are dead. The strength of the sword is limited to be only able to damage an Endbringer substantially without killing it.