Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Tinker

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(Tinker) Jack of All Trades

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You're not a real Tinker, instead you know how to make anything that can be made in a mundane manner.

(Tinker) Detection and Analysis

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You can create things that detect, find, or analyze other things.

(Tinker) Sharing

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You can create incredibly intuitive Tinker Tech that allows it easier to work with other Tinkers. Your Tinker Tech can merge well with other Tinkers in a collaboration. Even other people have an easier time using your Tinker Tech.

(Tinker) Brotato

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You are a Tinker specialized on all potato related things, be them farming, eating, industrial process and more. You can make plastic from potato Starch, poison from green ones, or bake, fry, mash, stuff, dry, just salt it and more. Solve world hunger by potato farming on industrial scale.

(Tinker) Communication

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You can create things that can transfer large amounts of data from one place to another extremely quickly or even instantaneously.

(Tinker) Repair

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You can repair, maintain, and use any Tinkertech you find. You can also combine Tinkertech into something that combines the functions of the two inventions. Any Tinkertech you repair or maintain will, in the future, last longer.

(Tinker/Thinker) Garment

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

The user is able to gain a deep understanding of fashion, clothing, and design, as well as the emotions and ideas that can be expressed through them. They are able to design and create clothing and other garments that reflect and amplify their emotions and personality, and to read and understand the intentions and emotions behind the clothing and uniforms worn by others.

(Tinker/Master) Love Potion

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You can make potions/chemicals that have a number of weak effects. They can be poisonous, heal small wounds, increase natural regeneration by 100%, act as steroids without the downsides, cause emotions that can be suppressed if the person who drinks the potion has sufficient willpower, or increase senses by a significant margin. You can also make any mundane chemical with ease. Your potions can do a number of other things, but they're all fairly weak.

(Tinker) Scraps/Junk

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You specialize in working with subpar materials and tools, allowing you to make quick-and-easy weapons and other equipment from junkyard scraps and assorted household items. This synergizes with basically every other Tinker specialization, ameliorating a lack of proper funding or dedicated workshop. Pairs especially well with (Tinker) Repair and (Tinker) Reproduction.

(Tinker/Striker) Attunement

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

The longer you spend physically touching an object, the more you can improve it. This means that you do extremely well with a single weapon/outfit that you focus on and improve, and means that you will be extra vulnerable to having your gear being taken or destroyed.

(Tinker) Ruggedization

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You possess the ability to bolster base materials, rendering them resistant to corrosion, insulating against extreme temperatures, and impervious to the elements. This power allows you to manipulate the very structure of materials and technology, enhancing their durability. With it, you can fortify structures and enable them to withstand even the harshest environments.

(Tinker) Ergonomics

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

You specialize in making equipment that works with or enhances what a user is already capable of doing. Ranging from making a taser gun powered by the user's electricity powers to lung augmentations that significantly improve the user's ability to hold their breath. This synergizes with the powers you have, making them better and easier to control with your Tinker Tech. A user will be able to maintain and use Tinker Tech built for them with proper training or manuals.

(Tinker) Swords

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can create sci-fi swords, halberds, spears, and other melee weapons. A sword made by you might be able to truly damage an Endbringer. If used by a Brute, it might even kill one... with a lucky hit.

(Tinker) Lorax

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker that specializes in trees and their produce, you can make faster-growing acres, fire-proof paper armor, explosive charcoals, healing maple-syrup, wood shields harder than iron and many more!

(Tinker/Trump) Assistant

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can enhance others, granting them weaker versions of your tinker powers. While they cannot design anything by themselves, they can recreate and maintain anything you made. You can take away this boost at any time.

(Tinker) Speed

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You specialize in tech involving speed and mobility. You can create jetpacks, suits that give the wearer super speed, and are generally capable of making things move faster.

(Tinker) Weaving

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You possess a Tinker Specialty that creates and incorporates Tinker Tech into various forms of silk or silk-like materials. You can create anything related to clothing, such as color-changing cloaks, self-regenerating weaves, sticky webs, and so on. This power works best when paired with other Tinker powers, as you can convert and compress them into clothing.

(Tinker) Memory Fabrication

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Your Tinker power enables you to manipulate and fabricate memories. You can create devices that alter or implant memories in individuals, allowing for memory modification, erasure, or fabrication. These inventions can have profound implications in fields such as therapy, intelligence gathering, or even manipulation of adversaries.

(Tinker) Shields

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You have the ability to create shields, whether they are mobile, fixed, or personal. These shields can vary from those inspired by ancient civilizations (Romans, Greeks, etc.) to advanced forcefields or skintight variants. When connected to a potent energy source, they might even have the potential to withstand an attack from an Endbringer.

(Tinker) Sound/Vibration

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Your tinker-tech specializes in the phenomena of acoustics and vibrations, capable of constructing sonar radars able to picture cities, and acoustic cannons with both concussive and disorienting effects. Anything relating to sound and vibrational frequencies can be replicated through this.

(Tinker) Redundancy

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

With your Tinker power, you excel at creating fault-tolerant Tinkertech devices that can withstand extensive damage or component loss, ensuring they continue to operate optimally in the face of adversity. Through innovative design principles and meticulous engineering, your inventions demonstrate remarkable durability, adaptability, and reliability, making them highly resistant to failures and providing a significant advantage in critical missions and challenging environments.

(Tinker) Traps

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

The user has gained a Tinker specialization focused on traps, with the ability to create complex and destructive devices with anomalous effects, such as landmines that erases everything within its radius. The user also has a minor specialization in hiding technology in plain sight and has developed a minor Thinker power focused on strategic positioning. These powers enable the user to strategically place their traps, keeping adversaries off balance and increasing their chances of success in battles.

(Tinker) Hyperspecialized

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You have the power to improve one aspect of tinkertech, whether it be the durability, functionality, or utility, to an incredible degree, but this will come at a price, with every other aspect of the piece degrading to almost unusable levels. With this power, you can create hyper-specialized technology, able to do one thing to a level of mastery, but falling short when trying to perform any other function. Whether it's building a machine that can lift a hundred tons but breaks at a gust of wind, or building a computer that can process a million times more data per second than the current supercomputers but has no memory to store the data, you have the ability to create machines that can exceed anything ever created before, with one caveat: they have to excel at only one thing at the cost of failing at everything else.

(Tinker) Emotions

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You create technology that interacts with emotions. This can manifest in two different ways. The first is technology that detects and manipulates emotions. The second is technology that is powered by emotions. For the latter, they type of emotions used to power the device can effect it’s effectiveness. An offensive weapon may be better powered by negative emotions while a healing device may be better powered by positive emotions. Artificial Emotions gained from direct power use or tinkertech has a reduced or zero effects when powering you devices. Indirect methods such as illusions doesn't have such restrictions.

(Tinker) Software

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Your expertise lies in the realm of software and programming. You possess unparalleled skills in designing and developing complex software systems, hacking tools, and programs. With the right materials, you can create powerful software applications that can analyze vast amounts of data, infiltrate secure networks, or control robotic systems. Your creations can range from sophisticated cybersecurity algorithms, artificial data generation, and advanced virtual reality simulations. This power synergizes well with other Tinker abilities, allowing you to integrate software seamlessly into Tinkertech.

(Tinker) Quantum Computing

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You specialize in quantum computers and other forms of highly advanced calculations. You can create Tinker Tech that can simulate the past and future and connect the dots to create detailed informative guesses. The better and more accurate information you feed into them, the better you can simulate various kinds of things. This pairs especially well with (Tinker) Software and (Tinker) Code.

(Tinker/Thinker) Encryption

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

With this power, you possess the remarkable ability to safeguard information, unravel cyphers, and more, while also granting you the capacity to black box any device, rendering it impervious to reverse engineering and preserving its inner workings as an impenetrable enigma to others.

(Tinker) Illusion

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You specialize in Illusion-based technology, where you excel at utilizing holograms, sound systems, and even manipulating the senses to create a vast array of illusions. Your abilities allow you to craft incredibly convincing and immersive displays that can have a profound impact on your audience. Whether through sound, visuals, or a combination of both, your illusions are sure to leave a lasting impression on those who witness them.

(Tinker) Camouflage

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can disguise your Tinker Tech in a wide variety of ways that obscure itself to various forms of detection. It can pretend to be something harmless when it's actually something dangerous. Even when disassembled it can not only still work, it can fool other Tinkers and Thinkers.

(Tinker) Counter-Tech

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker that specializes in countering other tinkers. You can create devices that locate and modify tinkertech, disguise as other tinkertech, and even bypass tinkertech safeguards. You also gain a minor specialization which changes to be the optimal counter to any tinker specialization of your choosing. It takes an hour to change your minor specialization.

(Tinker) Add-On Augmentation

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

Your Tinker power allows you to create specialized add-ons and enhancements for existing Tinkertech devices, seamlessly integrating them to optimize functionality, push the boundaries of technology, and become a valuable asset in any tinker collaboration by expanding the group's technological arsenal.

(Tinker) Chemistry

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You are a wizard in the lab. You have the skills to create new materials, from super-alloys to acids to explosives to superconductors and beyond. This power works best when paired with other Tinker powers.

(Tinker) Manton Limits

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can create Tinker Tech that has Manton Limits. Preventing powers from directly influencing your Tinker Tech. With greater research into your specialty, you can even create things that block out powerful technopathy, anti-machine powers or devices.

(Tinker) Electronics

Cost: 6 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

A techie's best friend, your skills with electronics are unparalleled. With the right materials you could make a supercomputer the size of a smartphone. This power works best when paired with other Tinker powers, especially Mechanics.

(Tinker) Guns

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can create advanced guns, though nothing that can't be transported on a non-brute person. If you have a Sniper Rifle you made enough time to charge, say about 10 minutes, you could probably damage an Endbringer's core. Unfortunately, that means you'd have to charge your Sniper Rifle before the Endbringer battle and you'd only have one shot. You'd also have to know where the core was, and the Endbringer might be able to dodge it even if you aimed correctly.

(Tinker) Huge Scale

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You specialize in designing and creating massive machines that can withstand harsh conditions. Your Tinker Tech can be easily scaled upwards and solve the difficulties of making your projects much larger. You can create all kinds of colossal structures from giant mechas to floating fortresses, large factories, and so on.

(Tinker) Mechanics

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You have the skills of a master mechanic. You can design and make effectively any mechanical device, from precision timepieces to clockwork soldiers to pneumatic rifles to hydraulic battering rams. Anything that relies on purely mechanical power, you can build. This power works best when paired with other Tinker powers.

(Tinker) Gravity

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You specialize in tech involving various forms of gravity and weight. You can create devices that are heavier or lighter than they should be, beams that change the gravity of whoever is hit, and fly.

(Tinker) Nautical

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You have a Tinker Specialty working with Water. You can create all kinds of hydrokinetic machines and devices powered by water. Or even anti-water machines. This can range from containers that store more liquids than it normally can to devices that repel all water in a large radius. This can even trump Leviathan's control over water.

(Tinker) Aero

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You possess a Tinker Specialty working with various kinds of gases and air. You can create air canons, air-based jetpacks, windmills, and other things that utilize air. This includes gas-based chemical weapons and other things that spread through the air.

(Tinker) Thermal

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You possess a Tinker Specialty that works with and controls thermal energy. You can create devices that can flash freeze entire areas, flamethrowers that set even concrete on fire, and jetpacks. Essentially you can create anything that involves the increase or decrease of various temperatures or anything that involves generating heat or cold.

(Tinker) Heterodyning

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You tinker far faster than should be physically possible. You also require fewer tools and equipment to do so, materials and components seemingly altering themselves to suit your design.

(Tinker) Armor

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

You can create advanced armor of various kinds. A set of power armor made by you might be able to shrug off a hit from an Endbringer.

(Tinker) Style

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Cost: 2 SP (Cache)

When it comes to tinkering, it's not all about functionality - aesthetics can play a critical role in the effectiveness of your devices. With your power, you can improve the performance of your tinkertech by making it more visually appealing. This pairs well with other tinker powers.

(Tinker) Robots

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are a Tinker specializing in robotics. Unless you put in a significant amount of work, your robots won't have more than a simple AI (relative to something like Dragon), but they're perfectly capable in the role they were designed for. You are capable of programming your robots to function autonomously for some time.

(Tinker) Bloody Tinker

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

A tinker specialization in which the user is able to alter the composition and properties of real blood, allowing it to perform a variety of anomalous actions. This can include enhancing physical capabilities, increasing healing power, or even granting limited telepathic abilities. The user can also create tinkertech made out of blood to create or enhance objects.

(Tinker) Absurdity

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You don't create cars that drive on wheels or float, or even drive at all. Your cars are able to spin their way to any destination, at blazing speeds.

What about a gun? Well, this gun doesn't even shoot. Instead, it calls upon a strike of lightning! Regardless, your 'specialization' is utterly absurd. Your inventions do completely ridiculous things instead of what they're meant to do.

A tank that uses its barrel to fly into the air? Why not. A sword that can spin, the rotational force causing it to fire 9mm parabellum? Sure. How about a generator that reduces power instead? Okay. It's all there.

(Tinker) E=MC²

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in creating Tinker Tech that transforms Energy into Mass and vice versa. You can create highly condensed energy batteries that can construct and deconstruct blueprints on the fly. This Tinker Specialty is heavily Energy-dependent, but so long as it has Energy it can constantly repair and reconstruct itself. This Tinker Specialty pairs well with other Tinker powers, but especially (Tinker) Energy.

(Tinker) Crystals!

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker specializing in all things crystals a few examples of what you can accomplish are things like crystal super computer cores, and crystal lenses that make making laser weapons easy. Beyond various kinds of technology you can also make crystals that have special properties like among other things, elemental crystals that can be used to manipulate classical fantasy elements with the proper setup.

(Tinker) Bio-Mimicry

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

The user specializes in creating machines that resemble biological creatures. These machines can be programmed with custom-designed programming to perform specific tasks and are in no way inferior to their biological counterparts. You can program these creatures with semi advanced AI, enabling them to make simple decisions and execute tasks with the precision and accuracy of a machine.

(Tinker) Living Machine

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

The user specializes in creating machines made out of biological material. These creatures can be programmed with custom-designed programming to perform specific tasks and are in no way inferior to their mechanical counterparts. You program these creatures by messing with their brain chemistry, and they are able to make complex decisions and execute tasks with the precision and accuracy of a machine.

(Tinker) Preservation

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialise in the creation of preservation based technology. With this technology, you can preserve objects and life forms, allowing them to ignore the effects of time. Using it on food stuff would make it that the food will never expire. On living creatures it can keep them alive. On objects it can keep them from breaking down. With time, recreation of Alexandria’s stasis effect is possible. In a more crueler method, it is possible to keep people alive in a similar state to Mannequin.

(Tinker) Symbiote

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialise in creating non-intelligent biological creatures that specialise in augmenting other biological creatures. Examples include a living mech suit that acts as power armor or a virus that grants those it infects with boosted physical capabilities.

(Tinker) Modes

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in creating machines with various modes. These machines are capable of changing modes on the fly. You could create a car that turns into a robot, or a sniper that turns into a scythe.

(Tinker) Kinetics

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You possess a Tinker Specialty that works with and controls kinetic energy. You can create devices that absorb kinetic attacks to machines that output more kinetic force than something its size could reasonably do.

(Tinker) Cybernetics

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You can create cybernetic augmentations, such as a prosthetic arm that gives super strength, or eyes that have heat vision. You don't necessarily need to replace your body parts to use your creations.

(Tinker) Refinement

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You possess a Tinker Specialty that allows improving existing Tinker Tech. This can improve the foundation and material of something without replacing the device in question, allowing it to inherit any unique properties such as Enhancement charges. You can greater improve the power and flexibility of Tinker Devices.

(Tinker) Geneticist

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You can alter the genome of living beings to add or remove traits. Building upon genes to give altercations to the body for various abilities. This can range from poisonous blood to night vision. You can work with the DNA of other species to add to a different one.

(Tinker) Energy

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

The most necessary ingredient of any technology. With your new skills you could make a battery that would last for years, or a power source that could run a spaceship. Be warned, as such inventions will draw heavy attention.

(Tinker/Striker) Taking The Stage

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are able to create magical-themed personal gear, including clothing, concealed weapons, armour, and accessories. You also possess a minor ability to Mark equipment and items with a symbol that allows you to keep track of them no matter the distance between you and the marked item, and finally, you possess the ability to gain greater insight into arguments and plans, allowing you to figure out weaknesses in arguments and plans.

(Tinker) Information Hazard

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in memetic hazards. Creating anything that can transfer data through a medium that can influence minds. Ranging from paintings that harm the minds of whomever you look at to objects that can pretend to be what it is not. You can rewire an entire human mind to do your bidding. However, you are not capable of creating memetic constructs that can spread across a large distance. Information Hazard is much stronger with (Tinker) Meme.

You can create devices that can block and protect the mind from outside influences and even reverse Simurgh Bombs.

(Tinker/Trump) Gourmet

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You gain a newfound specialty to create incredibly delicious food from ordinary ingredients, your culinary prowess reaches extraordinary heights. Through your mastery of flavors and techniques, you can transform mundane materials into delectable dishes that tantalize the taste buds. Every meal you prepare becomes a sensory delight, enchanting those who partake in your creations. But your talent extends beyond just exquisite flavors, enough to even make anyone fall to bliss—by incorporating exotic ingredients, you have the power to craft food that bestows temporary effects upon those who consume it. From heightened senses to enhanced abilities, your culinary creations offer more than just a feast for the palate. With each dish you prepare, you bring a taste of enchantment and wonder to the table, leaving a lasting impression on all who indulge in your culinary artistry.

(Tinker) Hard Light Manipulation

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You can create devices that generate and control hard light constructs. These solid and durable projections can be shaped into various forms and structures, including barriers, weapons, and armor. Your inventions have versatile applications in defense and offense.

(Tinker) Armored Warfare

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in armored fighting vehicles of various kinds. This includes tanks, self-propelled artillery, and so on.

(Tinker) Poison

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker specializing in poison. You also gain a specialty in applying said poison. Poison from you might be able to kill Alexandria.

(Tinker) Medicine

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker specializing in medicine. You also gain a specialty in applying said medicine. Medicine from you might be able to cure case 53’s.

(Tinker) Rocketman

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

The user gains a Tinker specialising in Missiles and Rockets of any kind. These missiles and rockets can have anomalous effects, such as a missile that explodes, freezing everything within its radius. The user also gains a minor specialization in launchers, and is able to outfit a launcher onto anything.

(Tinker) Meme

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You can detect, identify, counter and destroy memetic and antimemetic beings, creatures, objects and phenomena. You can also create memetic constructs that exist in the form of aggressive ideas. They spread rapidly and cannot easily be contained. These ideas may be able to actively seek out and destroy/overtake certain other ideas and replacing them in entirety.

(Tinker/Thinker) Safety

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You can create technology that can keep people safe from all sorts of harm. Your inventions are able to provide a variety of defense mechanisms, including force fields, bunkers, and more. This not only allows you to protect people from physical threats but also to keep them safe from the dangers of the environment.

Moreover, you have the potential to enhance tinkertech, making it safer to use. You can create devices that are less prone to malfunctions. Additionally, you can also scale down certain technology to keep it from causing damage to its user.

As you explore different areas, you gain the ability to sense the safety of your surroundings. You can immediately detect any potential hazards and identify how safe or dangerous an area is. This comes with a wealth of knowledge of various safety techniques, allowing you to recognize common safety hazards and how to avoid them. For example, you can spot a defective power plug and know how to safely deactivate it to prevent electrocution. Similarly, if you come across a construction site, you can quickly identify any violations of safety regulations and advise the workers to fix any issues before continuing.

(Tinker) Construction

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in construction, toolkits, workshops, and building in general. Your expertise lies in creating machines designed to manufacture other machines and components. From 2D printing devices to 3D printers capable of producing objects and structures with a precision surpassing what could be achieved by hand or mundane equipment. You can also craft specialized toolkit that, in the hands of those with the necessary knowledge, outperform ordinary tools. With a keen eye for design and structural analysis, you can assess the quality of objects at a glance. Additionally, you excel at constructing workshops tailored to the specific needs of other Tinkers, whether they require bio labs for wet tinkering or high-end computer labs with powerful servers for programming, elevating their capabilities from mediocrity to a level that gives villains second thoughts about confronting them. The only limit is your Tinker ingenuity.

(Tinker) Material

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You specialize in the creation of various forms of matter. They can have a wide variety of effects and abilities, even creating forms of matter that defy the Laws of Physics. From heavy metal that can float to a lightweight unknown material that can absorb and negate flames.

(Tinker) Techie

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You have the ability to build tinkertech that imitate your non-tinker powers. Additionally, you are able to study and analyze the abilities of others to create items that replicate their abilities to some degree, though it is impossible to fully recreate them perfectly.

(Tinker) Remote Control

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Cost: 3 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker specializing in remote controlled technology such as drones. The average Drone built with average resources when starting out is initially very limited, maybe comparable to rats but can swarm in numbers limited only by computer management and communication technology. Drones can be improved with research and development. They can be given specialized roles and technologies for different purposes but that is initially limited to things like say a taser drone or a flame lighter drone. Other facets of this speciality besides drones and the associated support technology is various bits and pieces of that allow advanced communication between technology, advanced computers, advanced programming (not capable of making advanced ai by itself not without years of development), and computer-brain interface technology.

(Tinker) Fortifications and Artillery

Cost: 11 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Your specialty is the making of anything that cannot be easily moved. If you had a couple of good shots, you could probably kill an Endbringer with one of your guns.

(Tinker) Escalation

Cost: 11 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You can create Tinker Tech that slowly enhances itself in combat. Growing stronger, better, and more versatile as time passes in combat. The more conflicts you get, the more you learn from them and adapt. Features that your tech gains 30 minutes after combat can be added later on to be there immediately in combat.

(Tinker) Reconfiguration

Cost: 11 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You specialize in creating Adaptive Tinker Tech that can reconfigure itself based on threats it comes across. The better information is fed and analyzed, the better the adaptions it creates. It can grow adaptations during combat and outside of it, although it is much faster while in conflict. Your Tinker Tech is very costly, and if it runs out of fed materials it will stop adapting.

(Tinker/Trump) Glory

Cost: 11 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

Your Tinker Specialty is based on the public perception of you. It can be anything people think your Tinker Specialty is and the more famous you are the better those Specialties you may have is. You gain special Tinker Specialties based on powerful threats you overcame, those threats are decided by how infamous or famous the threat you defeated were.

(Tinker) Interdimensional

Cost: 11 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You can create technology that accesses other dimensions. You could make bullets that go through obstacles by sinking into another dimension, or goggles that let you see every dimension.

(Tinker) Reproduction

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You can reproduce the technology of any other Tinker. You can only reproduce technology you've analyzed. Any Tinkertech you've analyzed will be easier to convert to real tech, but only mildly so.

(Tinker) Self-Alteration

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You are a Bio-Tinker/Protestician Hybrid that is focused on self-improvement. While similar to Bonesaw's power, both of you would be able to learn a lot from each other, though both of you would probably find it easy to understand what each other's powers did and how they did them. This could be easily combined with any other T1 Tinker power except Bakuda's, and maybe some of the ones of higher tiers.

(Tinker/Master) Nanobots

Cost: 13 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You can create robots as well as a headset to mentally control them. Your robots can make robots as well. There is no maximum or minimum size to your robots... well, they can't go subatomic, but that's the only real limit. You cannot program these robots without (Tinker) Code, and if you have (Tinker) Code you can overwrite the AI with your headset. You have unlimited multitasking.

(Tinker/Master) Machine World

Cost: 13 SP (Cache)

Cost: 4 SP (Cache)

You can transform into and manifest materials to create machines you understand or tinkertech specialties that you have out of your own body. While this harms you, you also have a minor regeneration power to keep you alive.

You will have a link that enables you to control any machine that is made from you within 1 km, although you can make relays to extend this range as well as fuse with them as long as they are in touching range. This doesn’t come with multitasking abilities.

This synergizes well with other tinker powers. Note that without some kind of regeneration power, this can be extremely risky.

Examples of uses for this power are making metal spikes extrude from your skin for combat or vomiting molten metal to forge. More advanced uses include creating entire machines, such as robots (either from understanding their materials, systems, and mechanics or from a tinker specialty), directly rather than just creating the materials, but doing this is harder, riskier, and even more painful.

(Tinker) Nuclear

Cost: 14 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You specialize in the manipulation of nuclear physics. The obvious use is to create nuclear reactors and bombs, but you can do much more than that. You can create machines that transmute elements, advanced diagnostic imaging machines such as X-ray or MRI machines.

(Tinker) Space

Cost: 14 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Your tinker power specializes in the manipulation of space, creating thins such as teleportation pads, or a small device which allows small scale teleportation would be child's play to you. But you can do so much more than that, bend space much like vista with specialized devices, notably without the manton limits of regular powers, so do be careful. You could create thing which are bigger or smaller on the inside. Your imagination is the limit when it comes to creating technology which has to do with space.

(Tinker) Destruction

Cost: 14 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You specialize in destruction, your Tinker Tech is made to be as dangerous as possible. You can create bullets that delete matter on contact, bombs that consume concrete like the plague, napalm that can last thousands of years, and so on. You can destroy and defeat Endbringers as well, but the price for it is what most would be considered not worth it.

(Tinker) Lasers!

Cost: 14 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

This power is to Legend’s shard what Hero’s is to Stilling. You have the capacity to make devices that produce lasers with various effects limited by your creativity and the research you do.

Examples include lasers that can turn corners, fork into multiple lasers, pass through walls, freeze, ignite targets, cutting, disintegration, impact, heat, focused, staccato bursts, fat lasers, and invisible lasers. These are just examples though you could develop lasers with capabilities other than those examples and combine effects. Your power also isn’t limited to just these forms of esoteric energy manipulation and support technology the true purpose for this power is space travel so beyond dealing with harmful space energies, a form of ftl technology might not be out of reach especially if this power is whiteboxed.

(Tinker) Code

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You are a genius when it comes to Code. You could make AI that would revolutionize the world... if they didn't destroy it. Be careful with this power... if only there was a benevolent AI that could help... Warning: The Dragonslayers WILL try to kill you out of fear of AI.

(Tinker) Terraforming

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You are a tinker specializing in environmental technology with dual approaches to that specialty. One approach focuses on surviving hostile environments in various ways from specialized genemods, cybernetics, armor/clothing, vehicles, or shelters. The other focuses on changing the environment to suit your needs like purifying water on a large scale, changing the composition of the gasses in the air, manipulating the materials composing the ground, dealing with radiation, dealing with heat or a lack of heat, and changing the weather. These approaches are not incompatible if you work at it you might be able to make cybernetics or armor that can shoot bolts of electricity or manipulate the environment in various ways. While this specialty is very versatile it does not surpass specialties like thermal or cybernetics in their field it merely offers a specialized approach. Has great synergy with specialties related to either of it’s approaches.

(Tinker/Trump) Amplifiers and Dampeners

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You can create pieces of technology that can either amplify or dampen power. The limits on how much you can suppress or boost powers depend on the size of the tinker tech and how experienced you are, and the smaller your tech is, the smaller the range to the point where ring or necklace-sized pieces of technology require physical contact to work, but in exchange for this limitation, the smaller the piece of technology, the more powerful the boost or dampener is, and the maximum limit of your boosting is 1000% of the original power. At first, you will barely be able to create pieces of Tinker Tech that are able to boost or dampen parahuman powers by 10% and are roughly the same size as a portable gas generator.

And if you have negentropy, then your tech becomes capable of recharging and supercharging shards. Along with this, the boost your technology gives can reach over 1000%.

(Tinker) I Wanna Be The Very Best!

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

You are biotinker similar to Blasto, you are able to make hybridized creatures. But instead of being limited to plants, they can be a plethroa of elements. To shadow human-tigers to crystal reptile birds, to even flame breathing dragons.

(Tinker) Time Dilation

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Your Tinker power allows you to manipulate time on a localized scale. You can create devices that alter the flow of time, either speeding it up or slowing it down within a specific area or for specific objects. This power can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including time-based weaponry, time-limited force fields, or time-accelerated manufacturing processes. However, manipulating time comes with its own risks and challenges, as it requires precise control and understanding of temporal mechanics.