Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Shaker/(Shaker/Breaker) Icy Kiss

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Shaker

(Shaker/Breaker) Icy Kiss

Cost: 9 SP

This power allows the user to generate, manipulate, and control cold temperatures, with the ability to freeze objects, people, and even the air itself. With the power to shoot out icy blasts that can freeze anything in their path, this power has the potential to cause great devastation in a short amount of time. Not only can the user create obstacles by forming ice structures, but they can also utilize their power to increase their mobility by creating ice paths or walls to climb and jump off of. Furthermore, this power grants the user the ability to freeze any projectile coming their way, turning them into solid chunks of ice and rendering them harmless. This power gives the user resistance to cold temperatures, at the cost of lowering the user’s body temperature. As such, the user should be wary of high temperatures.