Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Shaker

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1

(Shaker) Target Acquired

Cost: 2 SP

Anyone within 300 meters of you will glow any color you want. They can even be seen through walls or if they're invisible. All parts of this power are toggleable, and you can lower your range however you want. You can decide if others can see the glow, or if you only want specific people to see it.

(Shaker/Blaster) Bag of Holding

Cost: 3 SP

You can project a portal to a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space in it. You will always know what's in the pocket universe, and you will always be able to retrieve what you want from it. The opening of the portal will increase in size when you try to insert something larger than the hole itself. The pocket dimension can hold all the water in the world, but it would take many lifetimes. You can telepathically order the portal to shoot something out at 60 miles per hour or less.

(Shaker) Room Temperature Mirage

Cost: 3 SP

Within a moderate area around you, you can produce sound and light in order to create audiovisual and olfactory illusions. These illusions cannot be loud or bright enough to damage an average person's sight or hearing, but aside from that, there is no limit to the complexity of the illusions you can make.

(Shaker/Thinker) Orchestra

Cost: 3 SP

You have absolute control of all sound within 100 feet of yourself, or about 30 meters. You can not create sound using this power, but you can absorb it for later use. You can absorb enough sound to equal the energy in a large thermonuclear warhead, but since you can only absorb energy from sound, you'd need millennia to absorb that much without the help of a Tinker.

(Shaker/Striker) Mechanicus Aura

Cost: 4 SP

You exude an Aura of repair and stability, capable of restoring mundane objects to their full abilities and maintaining Tinker-tech in a stable state. The effect is strongest when the objects are in proximity to you, and it reaches its full strength when touching the skin. The rate of repair depends on complexity and volume; the more complex or large the object, the longer it takes to repair. Although this ability cannot repair Tinker-tech, it ensures that non-destructive components of Tinker-tech do not require maintenance.

(Shaker) Forcefield

Cost: 4 SP

You can project an inviolable barrier that is, at most, 3 meters in radius. You need to take down the barrier if you want to move out of the radius of the barrier. There doesn't need to be a delay between taking down a barrier and putting another up, so if you have perfect timing you can technically move at your maximum speed with the forcefield up.

(Shaker/Master) Influencer

Cost: 4 SP

You can project an aura that causes anyone within 100 feet to feel awe and admiration of you. If they have a reason to feel afraid of you, they will instead be intimidated.

(Shaker/Stranger) The Mist of London Night

Cost: 4 SP

You have the unique ability to generate a thick and dense fog in your surroundings. The radius of the mist gradually expands as you remain inside it, growing up to a 300-meter radius. Your presence within the mist is virtually undetectable, with only the strongest sensory abilities capable of piercing through it. You possess the remarkable ability to see perfectly through the fog, and you are even granted a strong increase in speed while inside.

One of the unusual effects of the fog is that it emits a strange aura of obliviousness where people are unable to notice it until they are deeply engulfed. Those trapped inside the mist suffer from a lack of direction and gradual stamina drain. The strength of these effects increases as the night progresses and peaks at midnight, creating a surreal and disorienting environment.

(Shaker) Collateral

Cost: 5 SP

You can imbue an All-or-Nothing effect into 1000 feet of your surroundings that makes it completely impossible to alter or effect. It's immune to everything you do to it except for sting. This doesn't affect anything small enough to be held by hand, and things like cars still work. You just can't move it or damage it in ways that don't make sense for a car.

(Shaker/Master) Peace Zone

Cost: 5 SP

You are able to create a field with a radius of 50 meters that causes all life forms within it to quickly lose all aggression. It also has a slight compulsion that makes people that are outside of it go away.

(Shaker) Gravity Well

Cost: 5 SP

Within 250 feet around you, you can create points where Gravity centers. Launching anything or anyone nearby towards that point. You can choose to make yourself or certain targets in your range immune to the effects of your Gravity Wells.

(Shaker/Striker) Force Construct

Cost: 5 SP

You can create malleable Force Constructs that you can manipulate at will. You may move, reshape, and destroy them whenever you desire, but creating them requires up to a minute of focus. You can have any amount of them present at one time, but the maximum surface area a single Force Construct can have is 10m^2 and their density is that of water. If you choose to create a Force Construct smaller than the maximum, it takes proportionally less time to create. Any impact stronger than a bullet shot from a pistol will shatter it, and the maximum force it can exert is based on your own strength. You gain a tactile sensation of what your Force Constructs touch, but have no other innate senses. While not invisible, they are very faint and hard to see, being highly transparent and lacking specific color.

(Shaker) Area of Attack

Cost: 6 SP

You are able to create a field with a radius of 100 feet where any living organisms you choose are attacked by small physical projections every 10 seconds. You are able to control the rough shape of the projections, choosing whether they are blunt or sharp, for example. The projections are able to hit with enough force to easily break bones. The projections disappear after impact. You can dismiss this field at will.

(Shaker) Minefield

Cost: 6 SP

You can create floating opaque spheres in the surrounding area. Anything that touches a sphere causes it to explode with the force of a grenade. You can fill a 30-foot radius in 10 seconds, packed at a distance of 4 per sq. yard.

(Shaker) Healing Circle

Cost: 7 SP

You can exude an aura that heals others in a 10-meter radius around yourself.

Within this area of effect, vitality is refreshed, pain is relieved, open wounds visibly close, and infections are eliminated. Bones will even set properly given enough time in your aura. The more serious the injury, the more difficult it is, and longer it takes to heal.

You can, with enough focus, exempt individuals from this effect.

(Shaker/Master) Stormtrooper Aim

Cost: 7 SP

You can exude an aura that causes others to be unable to aim directly at you in a 25-meter radius around yourself.

This includes any form of long-range power or weapon.

(Shaker) Speed Zone

Cost: 7 SP

You have the power to control the speed of anything within 15 meters of you. The closer it is to you, the more powerful this effect is. For example, if an object is one foot away from you, you can adjust its speed by any percentage from 10% to 1000%. And at 9 feet it can only go between 90% to 200%. This power is not able to go below 0.001% or faster than 1,000,000% and cannot affect yourself.

(Note that it is not precisely at a foot. For example, a meter can slow a target down to 3.2% of its speed.)

(Shaker) Bio-telekinesis

Cost: 7 SP

The user is a medium-range biokinetic. They are able to telekinetically move the bodies of any organism in their range, including themselves.

(Shaker/Master) Multi-limbs

Cost: 7 SP

The user is able to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing. The user can manipulate said body parts remotely, as if they were an extension of the user's own original limbs. Note that the user will feel any injury or strain these body parts feel, as well as each replicated appendage is no different to that of the user's actual corresponding limbs, meaning they reflect their own physical strength. The body parts are also bound to the surface they sprout from and cannot move from their spot. The user also needs to be able to see the object or what it looks like for them to effectively sprout their limbs on them.

(Shaker/Master) Tentacles

Cost: 8 SP

You can summon and control very powerful tentacles from the ground around you. You can summon tentacles within 20 meters of yourself, and control them within 300 meters. If they remain out of your control for too long, they will begin to starve.

By default, the tentacles look like those of an octopus, but you can change that as long as it's biologically feasible.

If you do it in the water, you can summon and control a Kraken, but only one at a time. The Kraken can sustain itself with food if not in your range, and acts similar to an octopus.

(Shaker) Babel

Cost: 8 SP

The user has a Shaker ability with a city-wide effect, capable of causing a sudden and severe loss of comprehension among those in its range. Those affected find themselves unable to make sense of the things around them, whether it be the language spoken by others, the written words on a page, or even body language. This power covers every aspect of communication, and it affects everyone in proximity, except for those you choose.

(Shaker/Trump) Judgment

Cost: 8 SP

You can read and apply effects based on the intent of others within a 250-foot area around you. Hostile intent against you or someone in your range can feel incapable of violence. Meanwhile, people with the intent of sabotage can find themselves failing with simple instructions.

(Shaker) Hotbox

Cost: 8 SP

You can fill an area with gas that knocks people out. You can completely fill an area with a radius of 10 feet with gas within seconds. There is no risk of people dying from inhaling the gas.

(Shaker) Bedlam

Cost: 8 SP

You possess the ability to create fields of instability, where reality becomes unpredictable within limited areas. You can generate up to five active fields at a time, with each field having a maximum width of 10 meters and not extending beyond 100 meters from you. Within these defined spaces, the environment, objects, and individuals may undergo unforeseen transformations and fluctuations due to the inherent instability of reality.

(Shaker) Fainting Spell

Cost: 9 SP

You can cause anyone in a 50-meter radius to instantly go to sleep. This can affect anyone or thing that possesses the ability to sleep. However, you cannot affect Noctis Capes, as they don't need to sleep.

(Shaker) Gravity

Cost: 9 SP

You can alter gravity within 100 feet or 30 meters of yourself. You can change the gravity anywhere from 10% to 500%.

(Shaker/Breaker) Icy Kiss

Cost: 9 SP

This power allows the user to generate, manipulate, and control cold temperatures, with the ability to freeze objects, people, and even the air itself. With the power to shoot out icy blasts that can freeze anything in their path, this power has the potential to cause great devastation in a short amount of time. Not only can the user create obstacles by forming ice structures, but they can also utilize their power to increase their mobility by creating ice paths or walls to climb and jump off of. Furthermore, this power grants the user the ability to freeze any projectile coming their way, turning them into solid chunks of ice and rendering them harmless. This power gives the user resistance to cold temperatures, at the cost of lowering the user’s body temperature. As such, the user should be wary of high temperatures.

(Shaker) Temporal Tempo

Cost: 10 SP

You can make bubbles of slowed, hastened, or frozen time. Frozen time grows at a rate of 1 cubic meter every two minutes. Hastened time at a rate of 1 cubic meter per 15 seconds. Slowed time grows at a rate of 1 meter per 10 seconds. By default, slowed time is 10% speed, hastened time is 1000% speed, and frozen time is 0% speed. As slowed time grows slower, or hastened time grows faster, it takes longer and longer to grow. A bubble can be no larger than a cubic kilometer, and you cannot have more than 100 active bubbles. You can pop a bubble at any time. The Siberian, Clockblocker, and Flechette can all pop the bubbles with their powers, though the Siberian will pop when doing so.

(Shaker/Trump) Power Slowdown

Cost: 10 SP

Everyone within a 10-meter radius has their connection to their shard temporarily weakened, requiring them to slow down in their power usage. Every affected parahuman can only use their powers once every ten seconds, with continuous powers instead being limited to being used half the time, at most every other 10 seconds. You can selectively choose who is affected.

(Shaker) Amped Up

Cost: 10 SP

The user can amplify the qualities of their surroundings. They can increase height, strength, size, mass, colour, darkness, durability, and so on. They can only increase one property per target. Amplification takes a while to wind up, and increases for as long as the user is amplifying something. They have no way to ‘pause’ when amplifying a quality; it’s either constantly growing or making it go back to normal.

(Shaker) Afterimage

Cost: 10 SP

Whenever you make an attack with your body, you can make a mirror image of you repeating the same move. This afterimage is half as strong as you, and dissipates after a second.

(Shaker/Thinker) Loot Box

Cost: 10 SP

Every day you can summon a random item. These items can be anything from a blade of grass to a portable black hole, but no matter what, these items will be useful to you. You have 3 slots for items. If an item isn’t in a slot, then it will disappear a day after it is either spawned or removed from a slot. You have a higher chance of gaining mundane items, and higher tier items have a possibility that you may not be able to control them.

(Shaker) Time Magic!

Cost: 10 SP

You can accelerate objects, people, and other powers to end more quickly within line of sight. A plane flying will fly faster, someone moving will be faster, and on yourself, you can make yourself move faster. Accelerating yourself or others does not halt aging, but you can accelerate something or someone as fast as you would like.

(Shaker) Telekinesis

Cost: 10 SP

You have telekinesis. When you're lifting less than 10 pounds or 4.5 kg in total, you have fine control equal to that of Parian. Otherwise, your fine control is decent, but requires a lot of concentration that really can't be given during a battle. Your maximum carrying capacity is 15 tons. Your telekinesis can't move anything faster than you can go without the Quicker than Thunder power or teleportation. Your telekinesis accelerates to maximum velocity in five seconds, no matter how much the thing you're carrying weighs.

(Shaker) Environment Shaping

Cost: 11 SP

You can reshape the environment within 100 feet or 30 meters. You can't make anything float while doing this, but as long as they're not levitating, you have pretty much total control of the non-animal environment. You can cause what's basically an earthquake except on a much smaller scale, you can move plants, you can have a plant's vines wrap around your target. You can even make it so you have the higher ground.

(Shaker/Master) Black Goo

Cost: 11 SP

You can slowly turn everything in a maximum range of 10 km into a dark ink-like substance. The smaller your range, the faster everything around you turns, while at the maximum range it would take an entire day. You can animate and control this ink-like substance that corrodes and turns anything it touches into more of itself. You can animate corpses, rubble, and so on. Though if it's a Parahuman, you cannot use their powers even if you control their corpses. Your Ink can control its state, from being harder than steel to more fluid than water.

(Shaker/Brute) The Floor is Lava

Cost: 11 SP

Centered on the user, they replace the terrain with lava at a rate of a square meter/second with a maximum radius of around half a kilometer. It acts like normal lava, with the exception that it doesn't affect inorganic material standing on it and the heat doesn't extend further than ~10 cm from the surface. This pool goes down extradimensionally about 10 meters. The user is immune to the heat, and instead grows stronger when surrounded and submerged in lava.

(Shaker/Trump) Energy Vortex

Cost: 12 SP

With this power, you can summon swirling vortexes of energy within a range of up to 100 meters. These vortexes have the ability to disrupt and destabilize nearby powers, drain energy and unleash destructive blasts. The unleashed energy vortexes can cause havoc and widespread devastation as they move through their surroundings.

(Shaker) Storm

Cost: 12 SP

You can control the weather within 1000 miles of your location. Your precision on a small scale is not nearly as precise as that of an Airbender, but you can do powerful airblasts. You can form tornadoes or hurricanes on a whim. You could easily destroy society by yourself, but the only thing you could do against an Endbringer is make it sunny, which would stop Leviathan from using the rain. Otherwise, this power is useless against the Endbringers.

(Shaker) Edict

Cost: 13 SP

You can set a rule for reality that affects an area within 200 feet of you. There can only be one rule at a time. These rules must be simple, cannot affect people's minds or powers, and cannot directly cause harm to someone.

(Shaker/Breaker) Lord of Cinder

Cost: 13 SP

You gain pyrokinesis focused around cinders and ash and the ability to summon cinders and ash, along with near immunity to heat and fire. The cinders and ash you can summon can melt steel within moments of contact, and alongside this, you have the ability to transform your body into a living mass of superheated ash and cinders. In this state, you cannot be hurt except by the destruction of the burning core, which is normally located inside your head, but with training and experience, you can learn to move it around your body to protect it from damage.

You can also create constructs that are strong as steel out of your ash and cinders, and you can heal yourself from anything using ash and cinders that you did not create so long as your brain remains fully intact.

(Shaker) Traveler

Cost: 14 SP

You can control several elements as well as you could if you had the bender powers, but you can only control one at a time. Additionally, they're split into additional elements. The elements are Air, Water, Ice, Earth, Metal, Plants, Fire, and Electricity. The switch between elements takes 5 minutes of rest.

(Shaker/Breaker) Alexandrite

Cost: 14 SP

You can create and control all forms of crystals, though your defaults are alexandrite and diamond. Creating other types of crystals takes some concentration on your part. You are able to create all crystals within 12 meters of yourself and control all of your creative crystals within a hundred-meter range of yourself. You are able to transform your body into a crystal that can heal by absorbing crystals. The crystals that make up your breaker state are significantly more durable than normal.

(Shaker/Brute) Gaia

Cost: 14 SP

You possess complete terrakinesis within a hundred-metre range of yourself. You also possess the ability to increase the density and durability of all stones that you are controlling, though this is significantly improved if you are directly touching the stone in question. You are also able to transform all non-living things into stone. Your strength and durability are increased 10-fold.

(Shaker) Deus Ex Machina

Cost: 14 SP

Things tend to go in your favor. Endbringers won't attack the city you're in, you'll almost always win when you gamble, and you won't get hit by a stray shot. This only effects matters of luck. If someone is trying to kill you, it won't make the roof fall on them unless it was already falling apart. Flechette won't manage to shoot the Endbringer core when it's about to kill you unless she was already aiming near the core. The Slaughterhouse 9 is unlikely to target you unless you're either a perfect target for them or you took the Slaughterhouse 8 drawback.

(Shaker) Kira

Cost: 14 SP

You can induce heart attacks in anyone you know the face and location of, with an unlimited range.

(This only works on humans and animals)

(Shaker/Mover) Dimensional Warping

Cost: 15 SP

You can manipulate the fabric of spacetime, allowing you to make non-euclidean regions that defy conventional physics. This would allow you to make things bigger on the inside, an endlessly looping stairway, or even a time dilation room. There is a somatic component to this power, requiring that you stretch and pull at the very fabric of spacetime with your bare hands. You may not reverse time, and you cannot cross dimensions either. The better your knowledge of a region, the higher the quality of the manipulations you do, making it almost impossible to accurately portal to a place you've never been to before. Due to your manipulation's somatic nature, complex or long-range manipulations require much more time to enact, possibly increasing by several magnitudes.

(Shaker/Breaker) The One Who Tamed Lightning

Cost: 15 SP

You possess the ability to create, control, and shape all forms of electricity and lightning. Along with great knowledge and understanding of electricity and lightning, you possess the ability to enhance your body with the power of lightning and even transform yourself into living lightning.

(Shaker/Trump) Still Aura

Cost: 15 SP

You have the ability to project a glowing aura (you decide the color) from your body that can cover the radius of a city block. You can manipulate the wavelengths of anything that enters this aura except yourself. This can have various effects from piercing and canceling power effects, raising and lowering heat to various extremes, disintegration, manipulating kinetic energies, energies in general, telekinesis and much more. A piece of the power of Stilling is in your grasp with one drawback the more spread out your aura the less brightly it glows and longer it takes for its effects to take place for example at full deployment over an entire block it slightly illuminates the area and its speed is reduced to the point where it takes a second to raise or lower temperature by a degree. The opposite is true if the aura is compressed to a space of only a few feet from you, you can rapidly raise or lower temperature by thousands of degrees a second and the aura glows like the sun. It comes paired with a Thinker ability to understand everything covered in your aura and various ways to manipulate their wavelengths.

(Shaker/Master) Dungeon Core

Cost: 15 SP

You can transform into a Dungeon Core that has control over a Dungeon. A Dungeon starts as just a room with a core in it, but with resources it can expand. The Dungeon can use resources to make monsters. The Dungeon Core can turn back to a human, but the Dungeon will be left behind. You can only manage the Dungeon while you are in the Core. If the Dungeon Core is destroyed when you're in it, you're dead, otherwise you just need to start from zero.