Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Shaker/(Shaker/Trump) Still Aura

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Shaker

(Shaker/Trump) Still Aura

Cost: 15 SP

You have the ability to project a glowing aura (you decide the color) from your body that can cover the radius of a city block. You can manipulate the wavelengths of anything that enters this aura except yourself. This can have various effects from piercing and canceling power effects, raising and lowering heat to various extremes, disintegration, manipulating kinetic energies, energies in general, telekinesis and much more. A piece of the power of Stilling is in your grasp with one drawback the more spread out your aura the less brightly it glows and longer it takes for its effects to take place for example at full deployment over an entire block it slightly illuminates the area and its speed is reduced to the point where it takes a second to raise or lower temperature by a degree. The opposite is true if the aura is compressed to a space of only a few feet from you, you can rapidly raise or lower temperature by thousands of degrees a second and the aura glows like the sun. It comes paired with a Thinker ability to understand everything covered in your aura and various ways to manipulate their wavelengths.