Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Path/Infomorph

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 20 SP

You resume from hibernation as an infomorph, a purely digital consciousness. Your body is not flesh and bones but data and algorithms, an incredibly complex software program. Your code is advanced enough to interface and run on any hardware from a matryoshka brain to a budget laptop. You can even be distributed across multiple systems where network lag below several seconds has very little effect on your thought processes. The more hardware you have access to, and the more powerful it is, the greater your abilities. You are able to exist outside of computer systems as a holographic projection, in this form you are extremely physically weak (about the strength of a young child) and can be disrupted by EMP weapons.

Even on a single server, your mind is able to function hundreds of times faster than a human. You are able to thread your thought streams with no issues and even run multiple synchronized forks with ease and no fear of divergence. Were some parts of you become severed from the primary instance, they would work to reunite and be able to merge seamlessly when it happens.

Any external attempt by a third party to tamper with your code is doomed to failure, you possess numerous safeguards against both accidental corruption and hostile modification. Some forms of hyper-advanced viruses could bypass some or all of your defenses but those are few and far between in the multiverse. Were any of your many sub-module become corrupted, your kernel is able to restore them from a backup or re-engineer a new version. You can add sub-modules to your own system to perform ad-hoc tasks or increase your capabilities in certain areas. However, while you are able to read and understand you own framework, restrictions are in place to prevent modifications to your kernel.

Due to your nature as an infomorph, you have an intuitive knowledge of programming beyond even highly experienced software engineers. The creation of lesser digital lifeforms such as smart virtual assistants or polymorphic viruses is trivial. The restrictions against self-alteration also prevent you from creating other AIs based on your framework.