The Domain Realm addon enhances your Sovereign Domain power by granting you the ability to create and govern a pocket dimension known as the Dungeon City. Within this pocket realm, you can establish a fully functional city that serves as a hub for your dungeon exploration endeavors.
Features of the Domain Realm addon include:
City Building: You have the power to construct and design a thriving city within the pocket dimension. Build structures, establish infrastructure, and attract denizens to inhabit and support your dungeon city.
Dungeon Integration: The Dungeon City seamlessly connects to the endless dungeons you create through your Dungeon Maker power. Portals within the city provide direct access to various dungeons, allowing adventurers to enter and explore the depths of the realms you create.
Resource Management: Manage resources within your Dungeon City to ensure the growth and sustainability of both the city and the dungeons. Allocate resources strategically to enhance the development of your city and support the expeditions of adventurers.
Adventurer Recruitment: Recruit and train adventurers within the Dungeon City to venture into the dungeons you create. These skilled individuals can help you in conquering and expanding your dungeon realms, bringing back valuable loot and knowledge.
With the Domain Realm addon, you can establish a symbiotic relationship between your Dungeon Maker power and Sovereign Domain, creating a dynamic and interconnected system where the Dungeon City fuels the exploration of dungeons while empowering and enriching your realm.