You have further mastered your state of quantum superposition. Now able to extend yourself to the short past and future. This enables you to tap into your senses and directly alter your past/future actions, thus allowing you to alter your own history. You are at first limited to the past 2 hours, and future 4 hours. Always able to see within that window of time should you desire to. Though making changes to your past is more difficult then making changes to your future.
Lord of Time
As a Time Lord you have an intrinsic bond to time. Furthering your mastery over your Chronon Active state, and your time-related abilities. You are now able to see your current incarnations entire past. From the moment you reincarnated to your current iteration of a Time Lord, to up to a year in the future. Able to alter decisions and actions you've made in the past to alter your history, thus changing the present in often subtle but beneficial ways. Even able to see and change your future slightly. Any changes to the time-line you will notice. You will also remember both the old and new time-line.