Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/An Enigma, A Puzzle, or Maybe!

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An Enigma, A Puzzle, or Maybe!

Cost: 15 SP

You exist as a mystery, operating in secrecy. The less people know and understand about you, the less they can influence your actions. Doubt becomes your shield. Similar to shadow hiding within darkness, you embody obscurity. You possess the capability to temporarily resolve any uncertainty surrounding your identity in a manner that favors you. Did that shot strike a vital spot? Unlikely. Was the food poisoned? Doubtful. Did he survive the explosion? Probably. Like the protagonists and antagonists in comic books you often read, if no one witnessed your mangled body, chances are you survived. Never presume a person is deceased until you witness their lifeless form. Even then, errors can occur. Once an ambiguity is resolved, changing it can only be accomplished by reintroducing doubt. This can also be employed for amusement. Are you a blonde or brunette? What secrets lie beneath your coat? I thought you would be taller...