Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Esoteric and Abstract Powers/Brand of the Exalt (Fire Emblem)

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Brand of the Exalt (Fire Emblem)

Cost: 15 SP

You have successfully performed a blood pact and now bear a special symbol somewhere on your body. Your bloodline has been blessed by the power of the Divine Dragon God, Naga.

The direct benefits offer to you include a 20% boost to your vitality, and a 40% boost to both your magical potency and resistance. The strong connection to your bloodline also confers a small, passive probability manipulation granting you a roughly 15% increase in ability to successfully make use of your other abilities and skills in combat.

Your mark of divinity grants you a special birthright to ascend and lead others; none can legitimately question your right to wear the crown. You find it easy to invoke the visage and imagery of notable or legendary members of your bloodline. The potency of your blood will never dilute, ensuring that your descendants will always bear the gifts you wish to pass on; by default your most versatile skills or abilities, or those you are known for, will be the ones passed on if you do not make the conscious decision.