You are able to create objects and beings by drawing, replicating what you have drawn into the real world, and imprinting your imagination into existence through art and visualization. To start off with, your ability to create drawings is enhanced to the point that your drawings are indistinguishable from reality. Tricking the world into materializing what you have drawn into reality, however, you can choose not to bring into existence what you have drawn, instead saving it to be summoned into reality at a later date or not at all.
This ability is divided into two specializations: materialization and copying.
Materialization: is the standard ability that brings drawings that you create into existence, from objects to creatures. You can draw anything and engrave your imagination into reality. Your creations are not temporary illusions upon reality but instead are perpetual facets of reality, so long as you will them into being. Anything you create is loyal to you, so long as you do not try to destroy it for unjust reasons.
Copying: is the subsidiary ability of the two specializations, allowing you to copy something already existing in reality by drawing it into reality. Your copy is around twice as strong as the original and will be completely loyal to you and allow you to bypass restrictions that would normally be present on an object or creature you copy, removing weaknesses or limitations originally present in the original, such as only good people being able to wield a sword or a demonic sword stealing its users lifeforce when wielding it.
However, your ability to summon is currently equal to the amount of energy you have. With things that require more energy to bring into the world being off limits to your current ability, with training, you could bring anything you imagine and draw into reality. By surpassing the limits of the world and breaking the physics and rules, your ability to summon things is not limited, so long as you have enough energy. The more you use the abilities, the less energy it takes to generate objects into reality.