You have in your soul a peaceful garden in which all that grows becomes a supernatural treasure. Perfect for whatever supernatual power systems you have, such as magic or cultivation or even psychic powers. You can enter and exit it at will, as well as take anything or anyone you are touching with you. An Apple tree planet here might give you Primordial true sun apples after it has matured as an example, you have a little control over what type of abilities or features the resulting treasures have. The more supernatural the plant grown here the better the treasure the plant will grow. The Pocket plane is also supremely beautiful and serenely peaceful, almost Utopia like. This comes with an aura seemingly removing all stress and pain leaving you calm and comfortable when you enter this realm.
Utopian Garden Lost in Time
Your tower and garden combine into one internal plane with the abilities and functions of both.
The Everdistant Utopia
Your Reality Marble has synergized with the Utopia within your soul allowing you to project it outwards onto the world. Beautiful plants grow nearby, and no matter what sort of darkness or hell that might be, a warm sunlight shall shine upon it for you carry a land filled with hope by overwriting the rules of the world around you temporarily to become a utopia, a world where the concept of filth, harm, and hurt does not exist. When this is active you can project an aura of hope and willpower onto your allies, and an aura of anguish and despair onto your opponents. You can heal your allies of just about anything other than death instantly, because the concept of injury does not exist, as well as boosting their strength. Let them know; their story is filled with blessings. Be warned that the Utopia is everdistant and not even you can sustain it forever. All who see it become aware of what a perfect utopia would be like. Be careful, you might inspire some idiots to chase after an impossible dream.